boy with glasses lying in bed holding a tablet in front of his face

Screen time guidelines for kids

The American Academy of Pediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry notes that's it's important to limit screen time for children to no more than two to three hours a day, on most days, although sometimes expanding to three to four hours is OK, especially if it's less frequently, like only on the weekends.

However, most school age children average anywhere from four to six hours a day and that's too much.

In addition to monitoring the time they're on devices, it's important to also monitor what kinds of content they are consuming. It's common for predators to try to engage with children through advertisements and other virtual means, so stay vigilant always.

When possible, try to have scree-free quality family time, like when eating meals together. This will help foster a stronger family dynamic. Additionally, to help ensure everyone has a good, restful night's sleep, try to put all devices away 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime, especially on school nights.

For more information on health and wellness measures--including care options -- visit the UTMB Health Pediatric Primary Care page.

Lesley Nairn on monitoring screen time
