an asian mom holding her young daughter. they are leaning in toward each other and lovely green plants are in the background

Clinicians share struggles with PMAD

In 2024, a group of UTMB clinicians from different departments, teams and campuses came together with a shared mission --  spread awareness about perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, also known as PMAD, by sharing their own personal, firsthand experiences with it

Each participant has since had a chance to share her story on video, and the compilation of their unique situations helps shine a light on maternal mental health. 

Participants in the video include:

  • Dr. Vanessa Abacan, clinical nurse specialist 
  • Souby George, nurse clinician V
  • Dr. Jackie Meyer, nursing program manager 
  • Haley Castillo Condit, nurse clinician IV
  • Laurie Chabouni, assistant nurse manager 

May their candor and vulnerability serve as a reminder for women everywhere that they are not alone and that there are resources and help available to those who need it. 

