Dr. Hani Jneid and Dr. Haider Alkateeb sit at a table during the Second Century Summit

UTMB, American Heart Association host Second Century Summit

The American Heart Association and The University of Texas Medical Branch hosted the first of what is planed to be an annual cardiovascular symposium in Galveston earlier this month.

The Second Century Summit sought to enhance cardiovascular education and provide clinical practice guideline updates for practicing providers.  

“The Second Century Summit was an opportunity for a broad range of medical providers to learn the most up-to-date heart health information by utilizing the expertise of our team’s accomplished cardiovascular physicians,” said Dr. Hani Jneid, John Sealy Distinguished Centennial Chair in Cardiology at UTMB. “Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States, making it imperative to provide regular guideline updates to primary care providers, internists, hospitalists, geriatricians, ER providers, nurses, and advanced practice providers.”

The Second Century Summit was chaired by Jneid and Dr. Haider Alkhateeb, both from UTMB. The Summit featured fifteen educational sessions delivered to more than 125 attendees.
