The 28th SCSB Annual Symposium

Each Year, the SCSB hosts a symposium to highlight current research. The invited speakers are world renowned leaders in their fields of research.

The 28th Structural Biology Annual Symposium

Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Location: Health Education Center (HEC) Room 1.200
Chair: Prof. Werner Braun
co-Chair: Prof. Guy Nir

The Center's 28th Annual Symposium was successfully held on April 13th. Five talks were presented by renowned scientists and students and postdoctoral fellows presented posters. Four of those posters were selected for awards of $100. The winners were Kosha Rahimi, Justin Van Riper, Stephenie Rogers, and Seth Scott.

28th Annual Symposium

Picture from Left to Right: (Mark White, UTMB, Manager, X-ray Crystallography Resource), (Stephenie Rogers, UTMB, Graduate Student), (Kosar Rahimi, U of H, Graduate Student) (Justin Van Riper, Baylor College of Medicine, Graduate Student) (Seth Scott, UTMB, Postdoctoral)

Full Abstract Book (PDF)

Invited Speakers

Yunfeng Chen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX, USA
Title: "Identifying a Hotspot in von Willebrand Factor that Differentially Modulates Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation and a New Strategy to Safely Prevent Arterial Thrombosis"

Peter D. Kwong , Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University
New York, NY
Chief, Structural Biology Section, NIH
Vaccine Research Center, Nationa Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD, USA
Title: "Structure-Assisted Vaccine Design for HIV and Other Human Pathogens"

Jose N. Onuchic, Ph.D.
Harry C. and Olga K. Wiess Chair of Physics
Professor of Chemistry and BioSciences
Rice University
Houston, TX, USA
Title: "Modeling the Genome: a View by a Physicist"

Anna Pomes, Ph.D.
Research Director
INDOOR Biotechnologies
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Title: "Structural Basis of Allergenicity"

Tamar Schlick, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
New York University
New York, NY, USA
Title: "Modeling and Simulating Gene Folding at Nucleosome Resolution"