Classify Content: Categories & Tags

Categories and tags help organize and filter content items, such as lists, blogs, events, and images. After categories and/or tags have been created and applied to content items, the category or tag widget can be added to a page, allowing the user to click on a desired category/tag to filter the content on the page.

Categories and tags can also be applied to content items to only display specific content items on a page.

The Health Blog example below displays the category widget in the right column with the Allergy category selected. The blog list in the left column shows only blog posts with the Allergy category applied to them. When a specific category is selected, a unique URL will be rendered in the browser's address bar. This example created the URL:!_/-in-category/categories/utmbhealthcom/health-blog/allergy

Health blog example showing the Allergy category selected

Before getting started learn the basics:

Layout Views

The widget component template

Learn how to do it:

Categories List

Categories List Dropdown

Tags List

Tags List Dropdown

Tags List - Cloud List

Tags List - Tag Cloud


Customize with CSS Classes.

Learn how to do it:

Hide item count

Categories Refer to the Learn how to do it section above

Tags Refer to the Learn how to do it section above


Add Tags and Categories to content

Add Categories to a page

Add Tags to a page

Explore content items that you can apply filtering to:

On this page: