
Investigational Drug Service (IDS)


  • Assist in execution of the scientific, clinical and administrative functions of drug research.
  • Assure that drug studies are conducted in a safe, effective and efficient manner.
  • Assure compliance with all federal, state and JCAHO regulations concerning investigational drugs.

IDS Staff

The service consists of an IDS Coordinator, a part-time Pharmacist, and a Pharmacy Technologist. The service is covered by a member of the IDS 24 hours a day. The IDS is currently involved with the drug management of approximately 140 drug studies at UTMB. The service interacts closely with UTMB physicians, nurses, study coordinators, pharmacists, and various drug sponsors involved with clinical drug trials.

IDS Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please call to schedule an appointment:

IDS Coordinator:
Phone: 409.772.5767
Cell: 409.497.6536

Clinical Research Technologist:
Phone: 409.747.9979
Fax: 409.772.4205