Acronyms, Glossary, and Usage
The page is a reference for terms you'll see on our site as you learn more about digital accessibility (a11y).
NOTE: Just like security -- digital accessibility methods change as we learn more and as technology changes. This list will be updated regularly as we integrate new concepts and policies.
In this page:
Acronyms: Accessibility acronyms and their meanings
Select a card to learn the meaning of each acronym
Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) - which details the accessibility of Information and Communication software and services and their conformance to the Revised 508 Standards. When the VPAT is complete it creates an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR).
Best practices
- Know that ACR and VPAT are often used interchangeably
- Request an ACR or VPAT® when evaluating, renewing, or purchasing Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This will enable the accessibility features and compliance to be evaluated along with the product's other offerings.
- Review the document. Having a document doesn't mean that the product is accessible. How accessible the product is, or isn't will be detailed in the document.
- Ask for the methods used to certify the application and to see the accessibility reports
Glossary: Terms and their definitions
Select a card to learn more about each term
Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) - which details the accessibility of Information and Communication software and services and their conformance to the Revised 508 Standards. When the VPAT is complete it creates an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR).
Best practices
- Know that ACR and VPAT are often used interchangeably
- Request an ACR or VPAT® when evaluating, renewing, or purchasing Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This will enable the accessibility features and compliance to be evaluated along with the product's other offerings.
- Review the document. Having a document doesn't mean that the product is accessible. How accessible the product is, or isn't will be detailed in the document.
- Ask for the methods used to certify the application and to see the accessibility reports
Usage: Correct usage of key terms
Select a card to learn correct usage for these terms
Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) - which details the accessibility of Information and Communication software and services and their conformance to the Revised 508 Standards. When the VPAT is complete it creates an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR).
Best practices
- Know that ACR and VPAT are often used interchangeably
- Request an ACR or VPAT® when evaluating, renewing, or purchasing Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This will enable the accessibility features and compliance to be evaluated along with the product's other offerings.
- Review the document. Having a document doesn't mean that the product is accessible. How accessible the product is, or isn't will be detailed in the document.
- Ask for the methods used to certify the application and to see the accessibility reports
Additional Resources
Related pages in this section: