Do You have One or More of the Following Voice Complaints?
- Hoarseness
- Whispery voice or loss of voice
- Change in pitch or loudness
- Chronic cough
- Sensation of throat tightening/closing while breathing
If any of these symptoms have been present for more than 2 weeks, you may need a VOICE EVALUATION.
A Voice Evaluation Includes:
- Extensive review of medical history and discussion of patient's concerns
- Acoustic analysis of the voice with the clinic's Computerized Speech Lab
- Physical examination, including Videostroboscopy, a slow-motion picture of vocal cord movement and function during speech
- Thorough review of results and a plan for management of the voice problem provided the same day
If you feel like you may need a Voice Evaluation, call the UTMB Health Voice and Swallowing Clinic.
Do You have One or More of the Following Swallowing Complaints?
- Frequent coughing or throat clearing associated with eating/drinking
- Feeling of food/liquid getting stuck in the throat
- Difficulty eating/drinking specific textures
- Weight loss due to difficulty swallowing
If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may need a SWALLOWING EVALUATION.
A Swallowing Evaluation Includes:
- Extensive review of medical history and discussion of patient's concerns
- Physical examination, including Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES); FEES provides direct visualization of the throat, vocal cords, and upper airway while eating and drinking
- Thorough review of results and a plan for management of the swallowing problem provided the same day
If you feel like you may need a Swallowing Evaluation, call the UTMB Health Voice and Swallowing Clinic.
Phone: (281) 338-0829
FAX: (281) 557-7284