Academic Enterprise Announcements

  • Headshot of Alan Landay on a teal background with a banner that says New AE Leadership Announcement

    Dr. Alan Landay Joins UTMB as VP, Team Science

    We are excited to share that Alan Landay, PhD, has joined UTMB as Vice President of Team Science, effective Feb. 1. He will bring research and clinical experts together to create collaborations at UTMB and with institutions across the region, state, and world.

  • Headshot of Dr. Toyin Babarinde on a light teal background with the words "New Research Office Announced" on a dark teal banner.

    New Office of Strategic Research Development, Leadership Announced

    The Office of the Vice President for Research announces the new Office of Strategic Research Development, a centralized institutional office that provides support for proposal development to further enhance UTMB's research enterprise.

We want your news!

If you know of an Academic Enterprise news item that should be featured here, please let us know! It could be an award, a new appointment, or a great opportunity open to others in the AE. 

Contact a member of our AE Communications team to let us know.

Headshot of Cortney Martin
Cortney Martin
Manager, Communications and Community Initiatives
Email • (409) 772-0081
Headshot of Ashley Torres
Ashley Torres
Communications Specialist
Email •
 (409) 266-4027

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