Galveston Campus
Maria Ivy Minerva has been at UTMB since 2012. Ivy is a Nurse Clinician V at the UTMB Medical Intensive Care Unit/Cardiac Care Unit (MICU/CCU) and an Adjunct Clinical Faculty at the UTMB School of Nursing. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Central Philippine University in the Philippines and her Master of Science in Nursing (Nursing Education) from the UTMB School of Nursing. Ivy holds certifications in Critical-Care Registered Nurse (CCRN), Cardiac Medicine Certification (CMC), Wound Treatment Associate (WTA), and Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Provider. She is also the UTMB MICU/CCU Shared Leadership Council Co-chair, UTMB Research and Innovation Council Chair, and a Nursing Senate member. Ivy is also a MICU/CCU Charge Nurse, a Rapid Response Team (RRT) Nurse, and a Biocontainment Unit (BCU) member.
As a healthcare professional, Ivy works hard to ensure her patients' safety and well-being. One area of expertise that she focuses on is preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs). Ivy volunteers for various initiatives to promote HAI prevention, including the MICU/CCU HAI Prevention Task Force and the WTA Program for Pressure Injury Prevention. The UTMB Healthcare Epidemiology Department adapted and modified her Evidence-Based Practice project, the 'MICU/CCU Catheterized Urine Collection Algorithm". The algorithm is integral to the UTMB Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Policy (Policy 01.46).