Jere McBrideThe National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) awarded Jere McBride, PhD, a total of approximately $420,000 for a two-year grant entitled, “Ehrlichia modulation of polycomb group-dependent epigenetic regulation.”

In this NIH funded project, Dr. McBride and his colleagues will investigate the mechanism by which the intracellular bacterium, E. chaffeensis, exploits an evolutionarily conserved group of epigenetic regulators to establish a cell type-specific gene expression program to promote survival.

Dr. McBride is a Professor in the Departments of Pathology and Microbiology & Immunology and is the Director of our Experimental Pathology Graduate Program. He is a member of our Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and Center for Tropical Diseases. He is the President of the American Society for Rickettsiology.

UTMB's Cheryl Bryant and Peggy Mann are co-authors to a chapter in the book, Global Point of Care Strategies for Disasters, Emergencies and Public Health Resilience, by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry.


UTMB's Maribel Bhojani, Pat Davis, Jane Gonzalez, Janet Sandridge and Cheryl Vaiani’s abstract, Nursing Ethics Seminar:  A Showcase of Monthly Collaborative Nursing Advocacy, has been accepted for a poster presentation at the 2015 National Nursing Ethics Conference in Los Angeles, California.