Congratulations Dr. Miram Mufti & Victoria Spiciarich

Presidents Cabinet Award - Dr Miriam Mufti & Victoria Spiciarich

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Mariam Mufti (Assistant Professor and Geriatrics Division Education Director) and Victoria Spiciarich (LMSW-UTMB Geriatrics League City and House Calls) on being awarded the prestigious President’s Cabinet Award titled “Geriatric Resilience: Engage And Treat (GREAT)”, with a focus on empowering and engaging seniors and their care partners in their health care decisions and lifestyle choices that preserve their independent living, promote healthy aging, respect their autonomy, and enhance their quality of life. The Geriatrics and Palliative Division leadership, staff, NPs and faculty, and the ambulatory practice leaderships/staff are proud of you and your accomplishment---all the more remarkable because you are both very busy clinicians, with roles in clinics and house calls, and hospitals. Thank you—Mariam and Victoria- for all you do for our patients and their loved ones in and outside of UTMB.