Infectious Disease


Welcome to the Division of Infectious Diseases at UTMB. We are an academic Division committed to excellence in patient care, education and research. Our faculty members include 12 physician-scientists or physician-educators and 8 Ph.D. scientists. The division also includes administrative, clinical and research support staff, postdoctoral research fellows, and graduate students. We are nationally and internationally recognized for our expertise in a broad range of infectious diseases, global health, tropical diseases, and host defense mechanisms (see more details on the Research tab). Collectively, we have published more than 800 peer-reviewed clinical or research papers and regularly contribute to the major infectious disease and immunology textbooks. The ID Division is an important part of a very large infectious disease research community at UTMB, which includes more than 150 investigators in multiple Departments, Centers, and Institutes. Our Division works closely with the Center for Tropical Diseases, Institute for Human Infection and Immunity, Center for Global Health Education, and the Departments of Pathology and of Microbiology and Immunology. We are leaders of the UTMB Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Prevention program, the Antimicrobial Stewardship program, and the Special Pathogens Excellence in Clinical Treatment, Readiness, and Education (SPECTRE) Program. The latter includes a 6-bed clinical biocontainment unit dedicated to the care of patients infected with a high-containment pathogen (e.g. Ebola Virus)

Our fellowship program offers excellent opportunities for training in clinical care, antimicrobial stewardship, infection control, and research. We provide a robust training environment through a broad spectrum of clinical cases, regular teaching conferences, journal clubs and research and career mentorship. We have 6 clinical fellow training slots (years 1 and 2), and offer the opportunity to our fellows for an additional 3rd year of training in Global Infectious Diseases research or antimicrobial stewardship. The Global ID research program will provide intensive training and mentorship in translational research, including a M.Sc. degree in clinical investigation. Our goal to impact global infectious diseases includes a commitment to mutually-beneficial efforts with multiple international partners, a multi-continental clinical training conference (Global Grand Rounds), an intensive course in travel and tropical medicine, and a hands-on course in field epidemiology taught with our partners in Peru. We lead a Global Infectious Diseases Research Network that includes partners at 8 institutions in 4 countries in Latin America.

Our clinical excellence is illustrated by the many ID textbook chapters that are authored by our faculty members and the selection of our faculty as "Best Doctors in America" and "Texas Super Doctors". Our Division is among the most sought after for clinical consultation at UTMB hospitals and clinics, and we have been recognized for excellence in education through numerous faculty teaching awards. 

There is a lot going on in the UTMB Division of Infectious Diseases so please visit the rest of our website and contact us if you would like further information.