As an academic infectious diseases program, we are very proud of our faculty who are frequently recognized by prestigious awards such as Best Doctors in America, Texas Super Doctors, Osler Society Teaching Award, and Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society. Our faculty are truly committed to the training, education, and success of our fellows and excel in mentorship. Clinical case conferences, journal club, research-in-progress meetings, core lecture series, an intensive course in tropical medicine, and a vast menu of ID-related seminars across campus add both breadth and depth to our educational offerings.
Clinical Case Conference (weekly)
A crowd favorite, case conference is run primarily by our fellows. A case of unknown diagnosis or challenging management is presented for engaged discussions.
Morbidity and Mortality (monthly)
Clinical and pathologic aspects of infectious diseases are correlated with participation of faculty and residents in other disciplines including pathology and microbiology.
Journal Club (weekly-to-monthly)
An in-depth review of current articles published in high impact journals, journal club allows our faculty and fellows to practice critical analysis of the infectious diseases literature.
Research-in-Progress (weekly-to-monthly)
Faculty, fellows and graduate students present their unpublished research projects for constructive criticism.
Infectious Diseases Core Lecture Series (weekly)
A core didactic consideration of the field is provided through lectures on specific microorganisms and infectious syndromes. Key IDSA guidelines are also regularly presented.
Global Grand Rounds (monthly)
A unique videoconference where cases are presented from various international sites linked to UTMB via telemedicine for shared clinical discussions.
Infectious Diseases and Immunity Colloquium (weekly)
Renowned scientists from the U.S. and around the world present their research related to infectious diseases and immunity.
Intensive Course in Tropical Medicine (annually)
A 6-week interactive course that qualifies participants for the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Certificate of Knowledge in Tropical Medicine and Travel Health.
Other Available Conferences
- Microbiology plate rounds (daily)
- Texas Medical Center infectious disease pharmacology lectures
- UTMB-AETC (AIDS Education & Training Center) webinars, conferences, and more