While our core, two-year training program offers a robust clinical and academic pathway ideally suited for many future ID specialists, we are proud to offer additional opportunities for those physicians seeking further, specialized research training. The wide-ranging ID expertise at UTMB offers trainees innumerable opportunities to realize their individual career goals. Such opportunities include an NIH-funded T32 training program and various opportunities for a third year of advanced fellowship in Global ID, Antimicrobial Stewardship, or Public Health/Global Health.
T32 Training Program
We are very excited to offer a NIH-funded T32 program for Physician Scientist Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases. Led by our Division Director Dr. Peter Melby, this program offers a world-class opportunity to receive two additional years of dedicated, intensive research training set amidst UTMB’s international-caliber community of emerging infectious diseases researchers, institutes, and initiatives. This program is bolstered by our divisional expertise in One Health, the Special Pathogens Excellence in Clinical Treatment, Readiness, and Education (SPECTRE) Program, the Center for Tropical Diseases, among others. Our T32 trainees will benefit from longitudinal, focused mentorship with the ultimate goal of securing a NIH-funded Physician Scientist Career Development (K) Award upon completion of the program. For additional information, please visit: T32 Training Program Announcement
3rd year opportunities
Our ID training program is unique in that we can offer opportunities for an additional 3rd year of fellowship training in either Global Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Stewardship, or Public Health/Global Health. These programs provide intensive research training and include graduate study leading to an advanced degree (Graduate Program in Clinical Science). Coursework for the graduate program is completed during the second year and the mentored research project and thesis are generally completed in the third year. These rigorous programs are designed to help highly motivated trainees launch successful careers as clinician-scientists or clinician-investigators.