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Mental Status Examination for Dementia

Patient Information: 
Hospital Record Number:Sex:
1. Verbal Fluency: 
Animals per 60 seconds. Ask Patient to name as many animals as they can in 1 minute.Total Points (1 point/2 animals):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Comprehension: (Ask patient to:)Check if Correct:
  • Point to the ceiling.
  • Point to your nose and window.
  • Point to your foot, door, and ceiling.
  • Point to window, leg, door, and thumb.
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
3. Naming and Word Finding: Parts of Objects 
  • Watch Stem
  • Coat lapel
  • Watch crystal
  • Sole of shoe
  • Buckle of Belt
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
4. Orientation 
  • Date
  • Month
  • Year
  • Day of Week
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
5. New Learning Ability (4 Unrelated Words)5 Minutes10 Minutes
  • Brown (Fun) (Grape)
  • Honesty (Loyalty) (Happiness)
  • Tulip (Carrot) (Stocking)
  • Eyedropper (Ankle) (Toothbrush)
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
6. Verbal Story for Immediate Recall: (Read the story and then have the patient recall as much as possible) 1 point for each section correct.
  • It was July/and the Rogers/had packed up /their four children/in the station wagon/and were off/on vacation.
  • They were taking/their yearly trip/to the beach/at Gulf Shores.
  • This year/they were making/a special/one-day stop/at The Aquarium/in New Orleans.
  • After a long day's drive/they arrived/at the motel/only to discover/that in their excitement/they had left/the twins/and their suitcases/in the front yard.
7. Visual Memory (Hidden Objects)
(Have five objects with you that you can easily hide such as the ones listed below.  Make sure the patient is observing you as you place each object out of their view. They get 1 point for each correct response.
  • Coin
  • Pen
  • Comb
  • Key
  • Fork
8. Paired Associate Learing (Read the list on the left (both words) and then ask the patient to correctly tell you the associated word that you read beginning with House Read each section and test separately. A total of 8 points.
a. Weather--Boxa. House--Income
b. High--Lowb. Weather--Box
c. House--Incomec. Book--Page
d. Book--Paged. High--Low
a. House --a. High --
b. High --b. House --
c. Weather --c. Book --
d. Book --d. Weather --
9. Constructional Ability
Score: Accuracy, correct orientation, representative (1 point each)
  • Daisy in flower pot
  • House in Perspective
  • Score: Correct up to 3 points
  • Score: Correct up to 3 points
10. Written Complex Calculations 
a. Addition


b. Subtraction


c. Multiplication


d. Division


Number Correct:   4/4     3/4     2/4     1/4    0/4 
11.Proverb InterpretationScore
a. Don't cry over spilled milk.2
b. Rome wasn't built in a day.2
c. A golden hammer can break down an iron door.2
d. The hot coal burns, the cold one blackens.2
12. SimilaritiesScore:
a. Turnip.............................Cauliflower2
b. Car................................Airplane2
c. Desk...............................Bookcase2
d. Poem..............................Novel2
e. Horse..............................Apple2

Verbal fluency--animal names
(1 point/2 animals)
10 points 
Verbal comprehension (pointing)4 points 
Naming--parts of objects5 points 
Orientation Date2 points 
Orientation Day2 points 
Orientation Month1 point 
Orientation Year1 point 
Unrelated Words (2 Points Each 5 Minutes)16 points 
Unrelated Words (2 Points Each 10 Minutes)
Story (1 point = 1 remembered item)13 points 
Hidden Objects (1 point each)5 points 
Paired Associate Learning8 points 
   Tomato, daisy, house
9 points 
Calculations (written)4 points 
Proverbs8 points 
Similarities10 points 
Total Scores on Mental Status Exam for Dementia
Individuals Falling within Normal Scores

Age Group

Mean Score (standard deviation)          
40-5982.3 (9.7)
50-5980.9 (8.6)
60-6975.5 (9.1)
70-7966.9 (9.1)
80-8967.9 (11.0)
Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
StageMean Score (standard deviation)
I57.2 (9.1)
II37.0 (7.8)
III13.4 (8.1)