Research Supervision

  1. Supervision in research is expected to be at a mentor/mentee level for the most part. In general the supervisor will direct and mentor the research experience of the fellow.
  2. All research at UTMB is expected to adhere to the standards set forth in IRB as well as ethical standards outlined by the American Psychological Association.
  3. Research productivity and publications is attributed to the appropriate contributors to the research and publication credit should be established early in the research project and should be reviewed periodically as efforts and expectations will no doubt change throughout this process.
  4. Normally, the director of the lab is responsible for the research and individual projects may be an outgrowth of long-standing on-going research projects. All parties should agree to the attributions of new research and the original ideas for the research.
  5. It is unusual that fellows have primary responsibility for on-going research early in the fellowship. It is expected that research will be developed and grant support sought for these efforts as directed by your laboratory director or research supervisor.
  6. Due process guidelines are in effect for all research and clinical experience at UTMB.