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Psychology Practicum Information

The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) offers practicum training in Clinical Health Psychology. Contact Dr. Jeff Baker for program information.

Mission & Philosophy of Training

UTMB has a long history of training psychologists including internships and postdoctoral training. Currently, no APA accredited programs are available with the hope and expectation those will return some day. At this time practicum training is offered to select individuals in a variety of clinical training settings. It is expected all psychology trainees will have been exposed to the biological, cognitive-affective, social, and developmental bases of behavior.

The University of Texas Medical Branch has, as a component of its educational mission, the preparation of health care professionals for entry into internship and post doctoral education for a career as a clinical health psychologist offers a practicum student extensive experience in clinical opportunities. The program provides services to UTMB outpatients typically focusing on patients with chronic medical conditions (rehabilitation and disability) through a variety of clinical rotations including Anesthesiology Pain Clinic, Texas Transplant Surgery Center, and the Shriners Hospital.

This practicum training includes both training for the advanced practice of clinical health psychology and also provides some limited research opportunities that relates to patient care and also includes providing consultation to patients, program development and training in supervision. This mission in psychology training not only assists in providing adequate numbers and diversity of psychologists for the State of Texas, but also provides role models for the various students enrolled in the professional schools at The University of Texas Medical Branch. The mission in psychology education at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is therefore seen as more than the clinical training of practitioners. It is, in fact, the development of future faculty and researchers as well. Knowledge and skills in implementing empirically supported interventions is practiced with different health problems. Part of the mission statement of UTMB is to provide care to the under served populations of Texas and the psychology trainee is able to be part of this mission through a continuous exposure to training and research in a sequential, cumulative and graded in complexity model of training that is primarily experiential in nature and is aimed at preparing psychologists for professional psychology practice at the beginning competency level in clinical health psychology.

The Program-Goals-Objectives-Competencies List

  1. To train clinical health psychologists to advance to faculty, clinical, and research psychologists.
  2. To train psychologists in the advanced practice of clinical health psychology.
  3. To train psychologists consistent with the mission of the UTMB in the development of future faculty, researchers, and clinicians.
  1. To be an integral part of the mission of the university that provides psychological care and research with patients from under served populations.
  2. To provide a program that is sequential, cumulative, and graded in complexity in research and clinical care.
  3. To provide a program that is primarily experiential in nature aimed at preparing psychologists in the advanced practice in clinical health psychology.
  1. Competent in Intervention and Assessment.
  2. Competent in relevant issues and techniques in research.
  3. Competent in interpersonal interactions in clinical and research settings.
  4. Skilled in assessing and effective intervention in behavioral health problems.
  5. Effectively assess outcomes of interventions.