Appointments for psychological services should be made through the Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Clinic. Referrals can be made through EPIC Consultation but must be approved for an appointment which usually requires a formal referral to Dr. Jeff Baker. Consultations include evaluation/treatment for patients who may have a psychological component to pain including spinal disorders or other orthopedic conditions; pain associated with chronic medical conditions such as IBS, Cancer, Burns, Failed Back Syndrome or other behavioral issues that are associated with medical conditions. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is the primary psychological intervention. Major psychiatric illnesses would be more appropriately referred to the Department of Psychiatry. Child and Adolescent patients with medical conditions are best managed by the Department of Pediatrics.
Research - There are a variety of research programs that focus on rehabilitation and disability. Most involve psychological evaluation and intervention programs of a psychological nature including psychosocial stressors, coping, adjustment, disability and adaptation or rehabilitation of a chronic medical condition. Current research projects include Effective Use of Opioid Medications; Brief Psychological Interventions that include cognitive behavioral therapy; and the Type D Questionnaire correlation with the MMPI2 and Beck Depression Inventory. All research has a rehabilitation or disability focus with Dr. Baker.
Chronic Pain - A chronic pain program is offered through the Department of Anesthesiology Pain Clinic. Patients are offered a Behavioral and Health Assessment which includes objective psychological assessment and a clinical interview. Interventions for pain include pain management through hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation training, coping, adjustment, disability, communication and pain medicine education.
Quality of Life - Assessment and intervention are offered to assist patients manage chronic medical conditions or disability that require changes in lifestyle, employment, and physical health. Patients who have been diagnosed with a chronic medical condition such as IBS, Cancer, Chronic Low Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, Crohn's Disease, Pelvic Pain, or other pain related condition may benefit from treatment.
Biofeedback/Relaxation Training/Hypnosis - Techniques offered to patients to assist in the management of pain.
Chronic Medical Conditions - Patients making major adjustments to changes in quality of life and lifestyle may benefit from supportive therapy and rehabilitation or disability are offered through psychology services.
IBS/Low Back Pain/Surgical Procedures/Transplant Surgery - Anxiety and Depression are major components for most patients dealing with health and behavior. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has demonstrated effective interventions for patients interested in supportive psychological interventions.