UTMB News Articles

  • image of caucasian male wearing a light green polo sitting next to a caucasian female wearing a navy dress with a floral pattern. they have a pink background behind them

    Aneurysm survivor, family share kudos about UTMB Health neurologist

    When Billy Plite had an aneurysm in 2019, UTMB Neurologist Dr. Hashem Shaltoni jumped in to action to save his life & helped ensure he made a full recovery. Today, Billy is happy & healthy & recently had the chance to honor Dr. Shaltoni for all he's done.

  • A picture of Hannah Luk in a white coat next to text that says Hannah Luk medical student in the John Sealy Schol of Medicine at YTMB

    UTMB student named All of Us Research Scholar

    Hannah Luk, a medical school student at the University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston John Sealy School of Medicine, has been selected to be a student researcher for the 2023-2024 All of Us Research Scholar Program.

  • Bootcamps prepare graduating medical students for the rigors of residency

    To prepare graduating medical students for residency, a new type of “bootcamp” has popped up across the country. UTMB’s Dr. Sidra Qureshi and Dr. Amy Gonzalez codirect a transition to residency course at UTMB and spoke to AAMC about some of the skills covered.

  • image of brain scans on a screen displayed with operating room lates in the background

    There’s nothing benign about a brain injury

    UTMB Health neurologist Dr. Brent Masel shares important information about both mild and severe brain injuries, including what to do if you or a loved one experience one and signs and symptoms there may be something more serious developing.

  • headshot image of utmb pediatric surgeon dr. Maria Carmen mora alongside a headshot of meagan clanahan from houston moms, both featured in round frames above a standard play button on a dark teal background

    Advances in pediatric robotic surgery

    During this chat with Houston Moms, learn how Dr. Maria Carmen Mora is helping grow the pediatric robotic surgery program at UTMB Health and why the practice is so beneficial to patients.

  • black female care provider wearing a yellow shirt is using a stethoscope on a young, male pediatric patient wearing a black shirt. She is listening to his heart in a clinic room with open windows behind them. Trees are visible through the windows

    Pediatric kidney care drives Katy family to Clear Lake

    March is national kidney month and UTMB has a team of expertly trained clinicians ready to help keep these vital organs healthy and strong in patients just like five-year-old Olin Lewis.

  • A picture of four men in suits holding UTMB's CALEA accreditation

    UTMB police seeks public feedback on accreditation

    As part of its dedication to enhanced professionalism and law enforcement excellence in public safety and community relations, the University of Texas Medical Branch Police Department voluntarily became a Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) in 2012.

  • an image of a pair of cartoon kidneys on a blue background

    Five ways to keep your kidneys healthy

    Did you know your kidneys filter all of your blood up to 25 times a day? UTMB Health kidney specialist Dr. Ann Kathleen Gamilla-Crudo shares five tips to keep these important organs healthy.

  • Breakthrough Research Offers New Hope in the Fight Against Ebola

    A groundbreaking study by researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch is shedding light on a promising development in the battle against highly fatal hemorrhagic diseases caused by orthoebolaviruses, including the notorious Ebola virus.

  • image of "I Matched" Celebratory yard signs in green grass in front of "red" historical building and palm trees on the GAlveston Campus

    From masks to Match Day

    The medical school class that started during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic are preparing for the next chapter - and a big celebration - with this year's Match Day.

  • graphic image with white stethoscope icon that has it's cord shaped into a heart. a headshot of a female physician with long, black hair is included in a round frame

    Meet UTMB Health's newest pediatric surgeon, Dr. Carmen Mora

    When a child undergoes surgery, what happens in the OR can potentially influence the trajectory of the child’s entire future. UTMB Health pediatric surgeon Dr. Maria Carmen Mora does not take for granted the weight of that privilege and responsibility.

  • Diet soda is not a replacement for water

    While the marketing departments of big soda companies would like us to think diet soda is healthy, the research seems to indicate otherwise. Dr. Samuel Mathis reviews the health benefits and risks of drinking diet soda in this column.
