
Social Media Brand Guidelines

UTMB Health uses social media to empower people with knowledge and to enable our staff and faculty to advocate in an appropriate fashion for our programs, help us enhance service, increase satisfaction and spread the word about UTMB Health.

UTMB has policies and guidelines governing social media use for department/program sites as well as personal pages, and these guidelines include issues related to our identity and brand.

Standards and practices associated with social media are continually evolving. Please engage with us to stay up to date.

Social Media Guidelines

Registration & Guidelines

Please remember: If you wish to create or already manage a UTMB-affiliated social media presence, UTMB has specific rules and requirements, including a need to register any institutional social site.

Please visit the Social Media Guidelines and Resources website for more details.

Also, see UTMB IHOP guidelines on general use of social media.

Social Media Badge

UTMB Health adopted a custom mark for use by all university-affiliated programs managing a social media presence, on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

The design aligns closely with the UTMB brand and is optimized to fit into either a square profile image area, or the increasingly common circular profile picture area.

The mark is for social media only; it should never be used except an a profile image on a UTMB social media account. It is designed to be effective at any screen size, on any device, and to unify our social presence with a common, visually powerful mark.

The graphic, examples of this social media badge in use on various platforms, and links for files are available for download.

UTMB Voice on Social Media

UTMB offers a guide to foster consistency in voice and tone for those we serve, by providing a suggested voice, tone and style in our social media communication. Access the Social Media Voice and Tone document.

Questions? Contact us for assistance at social@utmb.edu.