OVS Residency Program

Educational Goals

  • Educational Objectives for First-Year Residents (PGY-2)


    • Development of a core knowledge base included in the fundamentals, comprehensive medicine, optics, neuro and pedi sections of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic Science Course
    • Exposure to ophthalmic pathology


    • Basic anterior and posterior segment examination techniques
    • Competence in minor surgical procedures (e.g. chalazion excision, lid biopsy and pterygium excision.)
    • Introduction to ophthalmic laser procedures (ie Yag, SLT, PI)
    • Simulated cataract surgery using animal eyes
    • Eyesi Simulator Curriculum
    • Refraction and contact lens fitting
    • Facility with management of common ophthalmic emergencies
    • Examination techniques and basic management of common problems including external disease, glaucoma, medical retina, pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology
    • Communication and team skills required in consultation and other interdisciplinary endeavors
    • Other skills as listed in the goals and objectives of PGY-2 rotations
    • Parts of cataract surgery may be performed with assistance/supervision including retrobulbar blocks, clear corneal incisions, and IOL injection/placement and viscoelastic removal



    • Demonstrate professionalism in the performance of their responsibilities, adherence to ethical behaviors, and social competence
    • Demonstrate improvement in the delivery of patient care by actively participating in clinic
    • Participate in learning opportunities including conferences, grand rounds, M&M Conference and basic science course
    • Participate in the ongoing evaluation and development of the system, including the training program
    • Develop habits of lifelong learning by participation in Journal Club and by maintaining a learning portfolio
    • Develop surgical skills by participating in live surgery, logging cases and participating in wet lab opportunities
  • Educational Objectives for Second-Year Residents (PGY-3)


    • Increasing basic knowledge through continued use of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic Science Course
    • Develop increased knowledge of pathology
    • Clinical knowledge in pediatric ophthalmology, retina, cornea, glaucoma


    • Simulated cataract surgery using animal eyes
    • Eyesi Simulator Curriculum
    • Improved clinical decision making skills
    • Skills at assisting with the supervision and teaching of first-year residents
    • Other skills as listed in the goals and objectives of PGY-3 rotations
    • Doing several full cataract surgeries as primary surgeon with assistance/supervision (once Eyesi simulator curriculum successfully completed)


    • Demonstrate professionalism in the performance of their responsibilities, adherence to ethical behaviors and social competence
    • Demonstrate improvement in the delivery of patient care by actively participating in clinic
    • Participate in learning opportunities including conferences, grand rounds, M&M Conference
    • Participate in the ongoing evaluation and development of the system, including the training program
    • Develop habits of lifelong learning by participating in Journal Club and by maintaining a learning portfolio
    • Develop surgical skills by participating in live surgery, logging cases and participating in wet lab opportunities
  • Educational Objectives for Third-Year Residents (PGY-4)


    • Increasing basic knowledge through continued use of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic Science Course
    • Develop increased knowledge of pathology
    • Clinical knowledge in oculoplastics, glaucoma, cataracts and comprehensive ophthalmology


    • Simulated cataract surgery using animal eyes
    • Eyesi Simulator Curriculum
    • Improved clinical decision-making skills
    • Skills at assisting with the supervision and teaching of first- and second-year residents and medical students
    • Develop competency as an independent cataract surgeon
    • Other skills as listed in the goals and objectives of PGY-4 rotations


    • Demonstrate professionalism in the performance of their responsibilities, adherence to ethical behaviors and social competence
    • Demonstrate improvement in the delivery of patient care by actively participating in clinic
    • Participate in learning opportunities including conferences, grand rounds, M&M Conference and board certification review course
    • Participate in the ongoing evaluation and development of the system, including the training program
    • Develop habits of lifelong learning by participating in Journal Club and by maintaining a learning portfolio
    • Develop surgical skills by participating in live surgery, logging cases and participating in wet lab opportunities