OVS Residency Program


Our surgical wet lab facility allows residents 24/7 access to a surgical microscope, full set of surgical instruments and suture similar to what is provided in the OR for cataract and other ophthalmic surgeries, and multiple phacoemulsification machines to help residents gain familiarity with a wide variety of tools and best prepare them for their surgical careers.

We host several wet lab demonstrations throughout the year with various ophthalmic companies.  Pig eyes are regularly ordered and available for use by residents at all times.

We also provide residents access to an Eyesi simulator housed in the same location as our surgical wet lab, allowing residents the ability to practice their surgical skills in both settings seamlessly.

Wet lab equipment includes:

  • Zeiss operating microscope with surgeon and assistant oculars
  • Stellaris phacoemulsification machine
  • Centurion phacoemulsification machine
  • Full cataract surgical instrument tray and assorted sutures
  • Viscoelastic devices
  • EyeSi surgical simulaton
Wet lab 1