• Student Health

    Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
    3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
      Map to Clinic

    Appointments: Schedule online here
    Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
    Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
    7:30 am on Tues/Thurs  |  M/W/F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
    Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM

We would like to welcome all our students to Student Health & Counseling (SHC). Our clinic offers great services, support, and so many beneficial resources for our students.

At SHC, we provide holistic health care services that include acute medical care, psychiatry, and psychological counseling. We provide equitable and accessible services to all students. Our staff includes Collaborative Physician, Nurse Practitioners, Psychiatrist, Psychologists, RN, MA, and administrative staff. We provide services via in-person or virtual appointments in order to accommodate the needs of the students, which include the needs of health, safety, and accessibility. In particular, zoom therapy sessions for mental health counseling have been much appreciated by the students who have limited time to visit or stay on campus. SHC will continue to be flexible and innovative in meeting the evolving needs of our students.

UTMB Student Mental Health Crisis Line

Professionals Available 24/7/365

Depressed, Anxious, Suicidal?
Let Us Help!

(409) 747-HELP (4357)

Student Occupational Exposure After Hours

Seek evaluation within 4 hours after exposure. Please report to the Student Health Clinic during business hours 8 AM to 5 PM Mon-Fri. Only report to any UTMB Emergency Room for evaluation after hours, weekend or holidays. See locations below:

If you are in a remote location, call student health to report or email us. Also refer to your clinical site-specific policy. Information should be posted in designated clinical site location or check with your faculty or course coordinator.

Medical Emergencies After Hours

Emergency: Please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Non-emergent medical problem: Please call access center @ (409) 772-2222 or go to any UTMB urgent care and follow up with Student health as needed.

Click for a list of all UTMB Urgent Care

Student Health Services Available

Student Health Services Available

  • At Student Health Services, we pride ourselves on being your primary care provider away from home, offering excellent medical care through a full range of primary care services with specialist. SHC collaborates with specialists within UTMB. A referral can be made, and the staff can assist the student with making an appointment. Our clinic is staffed by a dedicated team of board-certified Advance Practice Providers, a registered nurse, and medical assistants.

    Our clinic offers the following primary care services:

    • Evaluation and management of acute illnesses and injuries such as sore throat, URI, Covid-19, UTI, STDs, occupational exposure
    • Diagnosis and management of chronic medical conditions such as non-insulin dependent diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, allergic rhinitis, hypothyroidism, etc.
    • Diagnosis and treatment of dermatologic complaints
    • Preventive care, including age-appropriate screening such as well women exam/pap smears, contraception management, well men exams, cholesterol and diabetes screening, STD screening
    • Medication refill(s)
    • Required history and physical examinations (occupational, school, residency, away rotations)
    • Evaluation and management of uncomplicated anxiety, depression, and eating disorders
    • Pre-travel health assessments

    We provide referrals for Physical Therapy as well as outside referrals to specialists in the community.

    We work closely with other University departments, including the Counseling Center, and Disability Resources and Services to meet your clinical needs.

  • We provide health care services to all UTMB students.  Statistically, college men visit health centers less frequently than college women.  College men may engage in high-risk behaviors such as binge drinking and are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases.  College men are at risk for anxiety, depression, suicide, and undiagnosed eating disorders.  Most of young men’s major health risks are preventable and treatable with early diagnosis.

    Whether you are interested in discussing health risk behaviors, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, receiving information on how to perform self-exams, exploring birth control options, or addressing acute care needs, scheduling a Student Health Services appointment can address all your health care needs.

    Men’s health services include:

    • Routine physical examinations, including age-appropriate screening and counseling
    • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases
    • Evaluation of male sexual problems, such as impotence
    • Testicular and skin cancer screening
    • Vaccinations including HPV
    • Sports physicals
    • Injury-related care
    • Evaluation and management of dermatologic complaints, including hair loss and acne
    • Specialized care for those with same sex partner.
  • We offer:

    • Routine gynecologic exams
    • Screening for cervical cancer as per the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommendations, and management of abnormalities as per the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP)
    • Screening (e.g., sexually transmitted diseases, breast cancer, intimate partner violence)
    • Pregnancy testing, counseling, and referral
    • Evaluation and management of thyroid disease(s)
    • Evaluation and management of breast complaints, including nipple discharge and breast lumps
    • Preventive care, including counseling on bone health, administration of HPV Vaccine
    • Consultation on contraceptive issues
    • Evaluation and treatment of common gynecological complaints, including genital skin lesions, including ulcers and bumps
    • Sexual assault evaluation, management, and referral
    • Counseling and prescribing contraception

    Contraceptive counseling and prescribing:

    Non-Hormonal Methods:

    • Abstinence
    • Barrier Methods
    • Spermicide

    Hormonal Methods:

    • Contraceptive birth control pills
    • Contraceptive patch
    • Contraceptive ring
    • The Shot (Depo-Provera)
    • Referral for Nexplanon implant or hormonal intrauterine devices
  • UTMB Student Health Services serves all students, including those who identify as LGBTQ+. Our clinical staff works in conjunction with the individual student to address the health issues most important to the student.

    We know LGBTQ+ Community can be sometimes hesitant to access health care, so we work hard to create and maintain a space where students can ask questions, get answers, and feel supported when making decisions. We regard students as individuals and coordinate care with students individually and with the UTMB Counseling Center, or other local mental health care providers to help students navigate the specific medical and mental health needs, concerns, and risks.

    We are not here to judge – We are here to help.

    • Routine physical examinations, including age-appropriate screening and counseling
    • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases
    • Evaluation of sexual problems, such as impotence
    • Testicular and skin cancer screening
    • Vaccinations including HPV
    • Specialized Care for those with same sex partner
    • Sexual assault evaluation, management, referral
    • Evaluation & Management of breast complaints, including nipple discharge, breast lumps.

Student Health Services Available

  • Whether you are studying abroad, going on spring break, or visiting family in another country, it is important to meet with a travel health specialist before the trip to ensure that you receive necessary medications, vaccinations, and travel health counseling specific to your destination. This will help you stay healthy during and after your travel.

    We suggest you schedule your Pre-Travel Assessment as soon as you know about your trip. Six weeks is usually enough time to get needed vaccinations; however, schedule an appointment even if you have less than six weeks’ notice. This will allow you time to meet with a clinician.

    What if I get sick after my trip?

    Make a follow-up appointment after you return from your trip if you develop health issues such as fever, diarrhea, rashes, etc. Our clinicians can assess and treat any new health conditions and concerns.

  • It is the policy of the UTMB Student Health Clinic (SHC) not to issue medical excuses covering class absences, missed project deadlines, or exams.

    Students are responsible for notifying their professors or instructors of an absence caused by illness or injury. Student Health will not provide medical excuses to individual students upon their requests or requests from parents. The clinicians at SHC are not able to function as independent arbitrators regarding whether a student feels too ill to do their work. It is the purview of faculty to determine if a student will be excused from class, an exam or assignment.

    However, SHC can provide appropriate documentation of a patient visit. Students who are seen at SHC for an active illness may request proof of the visit. Due to policies involving confidentiality of medical information, only the date and time of the visit will be provided and no details of the nature of the illness or judgments regarding academic responsibilities is mentioned.

    This documentation can be requested by the student from the receptionist at the conclusion of the clinic visit.

    However, in the event of an extenuating circumstance, such as a hospitalization, SHC will provide a note from the clinician to the professor. These are rare occurrences and require the student to sign a release in advance giving the clinician permission to generate an appropriate reply. Such occurrences also require the approval of the SHC Director. This must be done prior to issuing the medical excuse.

  • What services are not provided in the student health clinic?

    Obstetrical care, allergy shots, hearing tests however we can give you referrals to the appropriate specialist for these issues.

    I am on medications for a chronic condition and need refills. Can student health give me refills?

    Yes, we manage chronic conditions such as HTN, DM, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism. Student health will need to review your past medical records and will determine if the refills can be filled.

    I am on birth control and need refills. Can student health give that to me?

    Yes. You must have a normal pap smear within the past 3 years, and we must review your past medical records. We do not handle IUD's or Nexplanon implants for birth control. Referrals for insertion or removal of IUD or Nexplanon can be made for the student.

    I am on away rotations and ill. Does student health provide telehealth appointments?

    Yes, telehealth appointments are available and must be evaluated on an individual basis by the SHC staff. Please contact the clinic if you are requesting a telehealth appointment or type it in the comment section when making an online appointment. The patient must be in the state of Texas for all telehealth appointments.

    Can I use an outside lab?

    Yes. Our providers can give you orders for labs at Quest or Lab Corp.

    I need to get a physical, and a form filled out by a medical provider. Can this be done at student health?

    Yes. You will need to allow 2-3 business days for the provider to complete the form, so the student needs to schedule an appointment early. Blood work may be required for completion of forms and may cause increased wait time for the completion of forms.

    I had a positive Q-gold blood test. Is treatment required?

    Yes. See UTMB TB policy at: Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program (utmb.edu)
    Student health center offers treatment for Latent TB.

    Can student health see me when I am sick?

    Yes, we provide care for acute problems such as sore throat, upper respiratory illness, UTI.

    I missed a class due to my illness; can I get a note?

    See medical excuse tab.

    I have a specialist back home that I see and want to see someone while in Galveston, can student health help?

    Yes, Student Health collaborates with various specialists within UTMB. A referral can be made, and the staff can assist the student with making an appointment.

    Can I see my lab results on a portal?

    Yes. The SHC uses MyChart and student are able to see lab results, view account balances, send refill request, ask nonemergent questions to the provider through this portal/app.

    I am traveling abroad and needing vaccinations, can student health give them to me?

    Yes, students will need to schedule an appointment 3-4 weeks prior to the travel to receive the appropriate vaccinations so that you will have immunity prior to your travel.

    Are the visits free at the clinic?

    Counseling/Therapy visits are free to all current students. SHC bills your insurance for all psychiatry and medical appointments and takes most insurances. Unfortunately, UTMB currently is no longer taking Aetna insurance.

Lee Hage Jamail Student Center
3rd Floor, Galveston, TX 77550
  Map to Clinic
Appointments: Schedule online here

Phone: (409) 747-9508  |  Fax: (409) 747-9330
Email:  shcemail@utmb.edu
M-F, 8 AM-5 PM (Appointments Preferred)
Acute Illness walk-ins can be seen from 9-11AM and 1-3PM