Student Health Insurance Information
Student Medical/Student Services Fee
The payment of the Medical Services fee/Student Services fee allows UTMB students access to use Student Health and Counseling. The Medical Services fee/Student Services fee is a mandatory fee charged to all registered students that helps to offset the costs of the Student Health Services, the Counseling Center and other university departments that enhance student health and Counseling. Our portion of the fee enables the Student Health and Counseling to provide prevention and health promotion programs and education – at little or no additional cost to students
Health Insurance
enrolled UTMB students are required to have and to maintain health
insurance. Also, international students are required to furnish proof of
health and repatriation insurance coverage. International students may
enroll in the plan offered to UTMB students through The University of
Texas System authorized insurance program or furnish proof of existing
health and repatriation insurance coverage equal to the plan approved by
The University of Texas System Board of Regents. Make sure to verify coverage before each office visit. UTMB accepted insurance plans
Information regarding student health insurance plan available through UT System can be found on the Academic Health Plan website and on the Student Accounts website. For more information or assistance, contact UTMB Office of Student Accounts.
Graduate students who are appointed as graduate assistants may participate in the group health insurance program for UTMB employees. Graduate students are also eligible for the same benefits as other UTMB students and may utilize the same services.
The registration of a student who fails to provide proof of health insurance by the required deadline may be cancelled by the Dean of the student’s school.
Billing and Health Insurance
Student Health Services now accepts health insurance as payment for services.
Our services are generally covered by many insurance companies. We will file a claim to your insurance company for services rendered. To expedite your visit, present your medical insurance card and UTMB ID upon arrival.
Your insurance company, however, will determine that some or all of the charges incurred will be covered by your policy.
Affordable Care Act
Medical insurance coverage is mandatory for all students. In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, students are expected to maintain adequate medical insurance during their enrollment at the University. The Student Health Services is designed as your source of primary health care during your student years, and we will bill your health insurance for services provided at the Health Service.
Purchasing Health Insurance
insurance is also needed in the event more extensive medical treatment
or emergency care is needed at other facilities. Optional, third-party
health insurance policies are available to all students to provide
additional major medical benefits for these situations. The University
has negotiated with the AHP Health Plan to offer a comprehensive
affordable health insurance plan for our students. We encourage you to
consider the AHP Health Plan if you do not have coverage to protect
yourself against unexpected, unforeseen medical expenses. Click button for information on the University of Texas System endorsed Student Health Insurance Plan:
What may not be covered?
This is determined by your insurance provider, call your insurance provider before your scheduled appointment for verification.
(There is a number on the back of your insurance card that will provide your providers contact number for coverage verification.)
AHP Plan 2023/2024
2023-2024 Student Health Insurance website is now live and available for you at:
Disability Insurance Available To Medical Students.
Common Insurance Terms
Claim | A request by either the plan customer (you) or a plan customer’s healthcare provider (your PCP), for the insurance company to pay for medical services. |
Coinsurance | Your share of the cost for a covered health care service, usually calculated as a percentage (like 20%) of the allowed amount for the service. Example: After you meet your deductible, then you pay part of the bill (say 20%) and your insurance pays part of the bill (say 80%) until you've paid your total out-of-pocket for the plan year. Some plans then pay 100% of your allowed medically necessary costs. |
Copayment (Co-pay) | An amount you pay as your share of the cost for a medical service or item, like a doctor's visit. |
Deductible | The amount you owe for covered health care services before your health insurance or plan begins to pay. Example: With a $1000 deductible, you pay the first $1000 of costs yourself. After that, the company starts to pay its share. |
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) | An EOB is a statement from your health insurance plan describing what costs it will cover for medical care. It usually lists the amounts charged, amounts the insurance allows, what the insurance will pay and your financial responsibility. The EOB is generated when your health care provider submits a claim for the services you received. An EOB is typically mailed to the policy holder’s home address. It can also be available online, and a copy is made available to the health care provider. |
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) | A type of health insurance plan that usually limits coverage to care from doctors who work for or contract with the HMO. It generally won't cover out-of-network care except in an emergency. An HMO may require you to live or work in its service area to be eligible for coverage. Example: AETNA HMO Why does this matter? HMO plans use a specific network of providers. If you choose a doctor who is out-of-network, and not a partner with your insurer, you may have to pay part or all of the bill yourself. |
Network | The doctors, hospitals, and suppliers your health insurer has contracted with to deliver health care services to their members. If you choose a doctor who is out-of-network, and not a partner with your insurer, you may have to pay part or all of the bill yourself. |
Out-of-pocket Costs | Your expenses for medical care that are not reimbursed by insurance. This could include copays, deductibles, and coinsurance for covered services and costs for services that are not covered. |
Primary Care Provider (PCP) | The PCP is typically your first point of contact for all health-related care. This can mean that a person cannot see a specialist without first having a referral from their PCP. This is mostly seen with Health Maintenance Organizations-see below (HMO). |
Referral | A referral is an authorization required by some insurance plans that members obtain from their designated primary health care provider. Student health Provider are able to refer you to any specialty clinic in the UTMB and outside of UTMB. Ensure to check with your insurance for coverage. |