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Faculty Listings
Anish Bhardwaj
Xiang Fang
Rakez Kayed
Giulio Taglialatela
Miguel Pappolla
Associate Professors
Agenor Limon
Alok Dabi
Balaji Krishnan
Todd Masel
Chilvana Patel
Partha Sarkar
Hashem Shaltoni
Elena Shanina
Laura Wu
Xiangping Li
Dhanya Vijayakumar
Assistant Professors
Arun Chhabra
Elvis Cuevas
Anna Fracassi
Komal Hafeez
Muhammad Ubaid Hafeez
Abdul Khan
Howard LaRoche
Claudia Marino
Mauro Montalbano
Muhammad Zeeshan Memon
Nancy Perachio
Jorge Rodriguez-Fernandez
Diosely Silveira
Ruiqing "Linda" Sun
Clinical Professors
Brent Masel
Professor Emeritus
Robert McKendall
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Mitchell Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Faculty Profile
McKendall, Robert R., MD
Professor Emeritus
Curriculum Vitae
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Selected Publications
Honors and Awards
Professional Affiliations
A.B., Zoology, Columbia University, New York, New York
M.D., Tufts Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Straight Medical Internship, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
Residency in Neurology, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
USPHS Traineeship in Virology, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.
Neurovirology Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco, California
Neuroimmunology and Neuropathology Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco, California
Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1980
General Neurology
General Neurology
Biology of Herpes Simplex Virus
HTLV-I viral diseases
AIDS Clinical Trials
Selected from 77 peer reviewed articles, books, book chapters, reviews, and abstracts.
McKendall, R.R. (Ed.). Viral Disease. Volume 2. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Revised Series, Elsevier Biomedical Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989.
McKendall, R.R. Herpes simplex virus infections of the nervous system, Chapter 15. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Revised Series, Viral Disease, R.R. McKendall (Ed.). Elsevier Biomedical Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989.
Kent, T.A., and McKendall, R.R. Cerebral blood flow, cerebral metabolism and blood brain barrier integrity in CNS viral infection, Chapter 7. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Revised Series, Viral Disease, R.R. McKendall (Ed.). Elsevier Biomedical Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989.
Sadiq, S., Ladoulis, C. and McKendall, R.R. The humoral immune response to virus infection, Chapter 4. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Revised Series, Viral Disease, R.R. McKendall (Ed.), Volume 2. Elsevier Biomedical Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989.
McKendall, R.R. Restricted antibody diversity to major viral proteins of herpes simplex virus in individual syngeneic mice. J. of Immunology. Vol. 145:644-649, 1990.
Stroop, W.G., McKendall, R.R., Battles, E-J. M.M., Schaefer, D.C. Spread of herpes simplex type 1 in the central nervous system during experimentally reactivated encephalitis. Microbial Pathogenesis. Vol. 8:119-134, 1990.
Cantrell, D and McKendall, R.R. Viral Infections of the Nervous System. In: Textbook of Clinical Neuropharmacology, H.L. Klawans, C. Goetz, C. Tanner (Eds.). Raven Press 1991.
McKendall, R.R., Oas, J., Lairmore, M.D. HTLV-I-associated myelopathy endemic in Texas-born residents and isolation of virus from cerebrospinal fluid cells. Neurology 41, 831-836, 1991.
Janssen, R.S., Kaplan, J.E., Khabbaz, R.F., Hammond, R., Lechtenberg, R., Lairmore, M., Chaisson, M.A., Punsalang, A., Roberts, B., McKendall, R.R., et. al., HTLV-I associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis in the United States. Neurology 41, 1355-1357, 1991.
Goldstein, F.C., McKendall, R.R., Haut, M.W., Gist Recall in Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 49, 1060-1064, 1992.
McKendall, R.R., Stroop, W. G. (eds.) Handbook of Neurovirology. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 1994.
McKendall, R.R. Herpes simplex diseases. In Handbook of Neurovirology (eds) RR McKendall, WG Stroop. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York 1994.
McKendall, R.R. Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus disease. In Handbook of Neurovirology (eds) RR McKendall, WG Stroop. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 1994.
Navia BA, Dafni U, Simpson D, Tucker, Singer E, McArthur JC, Yiannoutsos C, Zaborski L, Lipton and the AIDS Clinical Trials Team 241. A Phase I/II trial of Nemodipine for HIV-related neurologic complications. Neurology 51,221-228, 1998.
Kieburtz K, Simpson D, Yiannoutos C, Max MB, Hall CD, Ellis RJ, Marra C, McKendall R, Singer E, Dal Pan GJ, Clifford DB, Tucker T, Cohen B and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 242 Protocol Team. A randomized trial of amitriptyline and mexiletine for painful neuropathy in HIV infection. Neurology 51, 1682-8, 1998
Price RW, Yiannoutsos CT, Clifford D, Zaborski L, Tselis A, Sidtis JJ, Cohen B, Hall CD, Erice A, Henry K and the AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) and the Neurologic Aids Research Consortium (NARC) study team. Neurological outcomes in late HIV infection: Adverse impact of neurologic impairment on survival and protective effect of antivirual therapy. AIDS 13, 1677-1685, 1999.
McArthur JC, Yiannoutsos C, Simpson DM, Adornato BT, Singer E, Hollander H, Marra C, Rubin M, Cohen B, Tucker T, Navia BA, Schiffitto G, Katzenstein D, Rask C, Zaborski L, Smith S, Millar L, Clifford DB, KaralnikIJ. The Aids Clinical Trials Group Team 291. A phase II trial of nerve growth factor for sensory neuropathy associated with HIV infection. Neurology 54, 1080-8, 2000.
Schiffitto G, Yiannoutsos C, Simpson DM, Adornato BT, Singer E, Hollander H, Marra C, Rubin M, Cohen B, Tucker T. Karalnik IJ, Katzenstein D, Smith S, Shriver S, Millar L, Clifford DB, McArthur JC and The Aids Clinical Trials Group Team 291. Long-term treatment with recombinant nerve growth factor for HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. Neurology 57, 1313-1316. 2001
Simpson, David M. et al and the ACTG 291 study team. Severity of HIV-associated neuropathy is associated with plasma HIV-1 RNA levels. AIDS 16, 407-412, 2002
Polydefkis, M, Yiannoutsos CT, Cohen BA et al and the ACTG 291 Study Team. Intradermal nerve fiber density in HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. Neurology 58, 115-119, 2002
Schifitto, G, Yiannoutsos CT, Simpson DM et al and the Adult Aids Clinical Trial Group(ACTG) 301 Team. A Placebo-controlled Study of Memantine for the Treatment of HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy. J Neurovirol 12, 328-331, 2006
H, Yiannoutsos CT, Miller EN et al and the HIV MRS Consortium. Proton MRS and Neuropsychological Correlates in AIDS Dementia Complex: Evidence of Subcortical Specificity. J Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 19, 283-292, 2007
Chao, T and McKendall, R.R. Viral Encephalitis and Meningitis. In Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series. Viral Disease Volume. A.T. Tselis and J. Booss (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (in press).
New England Medical School Scholarship
Recipient Young Investigator Award NIAID, 1978-1981
Research Investigator 1982-1985, Veterans Administration Research Program.
American Academy of Neurology
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