A Message from the Vice President and Executive Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Welcome to the Office of Faculty Affairs at UTMB! It is our mission to cultivate a supportive, inspiring academic environment where faculty members across all schools and disciplines are positioned to thrive.
As Vice President and Executive Vice Provost, I am excited to lead programs that encompass mentorship, career guidance, leadership and professional development, recognition, and other career advancement initiatives, to support our outstanding, high-achieving
UTMB faculty members.
Our office is a hub for faculty-centered processes like Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure; academic department reviews; the UTMB Faculty Senate; the annual faculty elections, and others. We are also home to UTMB’s three academies, which promote
and recognize excellence in our mission areas of education, research, and clinical care. In my leadership role I also provide oversight of the Health Education Center (HEC) with Dr. Katie Branch, Institutional Effectiveness program with Dr. Chris
McKee, Community Engagement and Education program with Dr. Miles Farr, and strategic direction for CME/CNE efforts by supporting the UTMB community by various ways of learning and innovative events focused on knowledge and skills.
Most importantly, we are committed to growing faculty engagement and satisfaction through all of our offerings. Our institution’s strength lies in the tremendous talents and expertise of its faculty; as we embark on new endeavors to elevate and
support our faculty, we will become even stronger in service to our students, patients, and communities.
Susan Chubinskaya, PhD
Vice President and Executive Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
Peaches and Shrub Kempner Distinguished Professor in Health