An election to replace four Employee Advisory Council members who have completed their commitment to the council will begin Nov. 10 and conclude Dec. 1. Our thanks go to the following members who have completed their commitment: Jennifer Anderson (Academic Enterprise), Janet Gonzalez (Correctional Managed Care), Craig Kovacevich (Hospitals and Clinics), and Julie Cantini (Institutional Support).

Nominations have been submitted for several candidates who want to represent you in your respective UTMB entity.

Visit the EAC website at to learn more about the nominees and how to cast your vote beginning Nov. 10.

The EAC exists to foster bi-directional communication and dialog for all Classified staff, Administrative & Professional (A&P) positions, and Non-Teaching staff (excluding residents).

The Council, which is sponsored and endorsed by the Office of the President, works to promote a positive and collaborative work environment that is committed to assessing, prioritizing and communicating employee needs. It also serves as a focus group/advisory panel by providing a feedback loop on broad issues and potential new programs that can impact Classified staff, A&P positions, and Non-Teaching staff.

For the purposes of representation on the council, the university is grouped in four large segments: Academic Enterprise, Correctional Managed Care, Hospitals and Clinics, and Institutional Support.