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Rendered drawing of John Sealy Hospital

John Sealy Hospital Modernization – Phase III

January 2024 Project Update:

The John Sealy Hospital front entrance and circle reopened on Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024. Phase III is complete and hospital services are moving into their newly renovated spaces. Check back for details and images. 



Enjoy this bird's-eye perspective of progress on the John Sealy Hospital:
(from March 2023. Scroll below for additional details on the project.)

Construction Detours

John Sealy Hospital front entrance and circle closed Feb. 22, 2022:

The front entrance and circle drive of John Sealy Hospital closed on Feb. 22 for approximately two years as part of the John Sealy Hospital Modernization project. The closure will allow for replacement of the porte cochère structure and brick façade, as well as interior renovations.

The following entrance and route changes are part of the closure:

  • The R. Waverley Smith Pavilion (WSP) entrance and patient drop-off are being used for John Sealy destinations.
  • There are a limited number of 30-minute parking spots near the WSP for expectant mothers.
  • The WSP entrance has also become the Safe Baby Site.
  • The John Sealy east entrance and the WSP first-floor tunnel entrance remain badge-access only for employees, and exterior signage has been updated, directing vehicles, patients and visitors from John Sealy to the WSP entrance. 
  • The Connect Transit Park and Ride bus stop currently has moved near the crosswalk between the parking garage and the Administration building (along Darrell Royal Avenue).
  • As a reminder, the designated location for vehicles picking up or dropping off employees at John Sealy is the 9th Street Employee Circle, between Research Building 6 and the Moody Medical Library.

John Sealy Towers Phase III Projected Timeline

  • 1/3/2022 – Construction make-ready activities, incl. two-hour separation walls and selective demo.
  • 2/22/2022 – John Sealy front entrance and circle drive close for approximately two years. Fence panels go up a few days prior and exterior signage will be up by 2/21.
  • 3/15/2022 – Major construction begins
  • 12/31/2023 – Projected substantial completion with activation following

Project Updates: John Sealy Towers Phase III


Project Overview 

UTMB has begun the third phase of a major modernization of John Sealy Hospital, focusing on improvements and renovations to the CD tower.

The construction will affect visitors and staff, who will be routed around and away from construction areas for their safety.

When this phase of the John Sealy Hospital modernization project is finished in 2023, the façade of the towers will look similar to Jennie Sealy Hospital, complete with gleaming glass running the building’s length and new brick to match the work completed on the adjoining AB tower in 2021. The current porte cochère structure that serves as a patient drop-off area will also be replaced.

Inside, renovations will include more spacious, family-centered patient rooms and new equipment and furnishings throughout. Patient rooms will be expanded in size and finish comparable to the new rooms in Jennie Sealy Hospital—from the floors to the ceilings and wall coverings—and the infrastructure updated to support the latest technological advances.

The John Sealy Hospital currently houses the Mother & Baby and Labor & Delivery Units, the Children’s Hospital, Café on the Court cafeteria and various other services.

The John Sealy Hospital was completed in 1978 at a cost of $32.5 million, funded completely by The Sealy & Smith Foundation. The 12-story hospital includes single patient rooms and a multitude of specialized care units.

The first phase of the John Sealy Hospital modernization project was completed after Hurricane Ike. Phase II was completed in the summer of 2021 and greatly expanded and upgraded services for women, infants and children. As part of the second phase, approximately 163,000 square feet were renovated across five different floors, and a new aerial connection was built to provide direct access to R. Waverley Smith Pavilion. Ceiling tiles featuring acoustic properties were installed to reduce ambient noise, and a large collection of art—much from local artists—is featured throughout the new space.

This current phase will bring the area renovated in John Sealy to nearly 281,000 square feet.

The Sealy & Smith Foundation contributed $100 million to Phases II and III of the modernization project. Since its establishment in 1922, the Foundation has contributed more than $975 million to UTMB for a variety of facilities, equipment, and faculty support, in addition to providing Foundation-owned facilities and other properties to advance UTMB’s health care mission.

 Labor & Delivery Directions EEG Directions