
Starting a New Student Organization

While we already have over 90 registered student organizations, we are always adding more. If you can't find just the organization you're looking for, learn how to start your own!

The Application Process

  • Develop Your Idea
    • What is the mission and purpose of the organization?
    • What activities and community projects would you participate in?
    • How would your organization differ from any other currently registered organizations?
    • How will your organization sustain over time?
  • Review the Rules & Regulations
    Understanding the rules and regulations that govern student organizations is important before submitting your application! Review our Risk Management Powerpoint and the UT Systems Board of Regents' Rules regarding student organizations.

    You can also find a general overview of the student organization rules and regulations on our Rules & Regulations page.

  • Gather All Pertinent Information
    You will need to have a few things prepared before you start your proposal. Here is a summary:
    • At Least Two Qualified Officers
    • Interested Members (There is no minimum, but we recommend 7-10 in order to sustain interest over time.)
    • UTMB Faculty Advisor
    • Mission Statement
    • Constitution (Check out our editable sample using the button below.)
  • Create a Constitution

    We require that all organizations have a constitution on file to outline organizations policies and procedures. We find that this document helps organizations transition officers, manage members and meetings, and sustain over time. 

    You can find an editable, sample constitution linked below.

    When you're ready, you can email the constitution to

  • Submit a Proposal

    Our proposal form uses your UTMB credentials, so you can save the form at any time a return to it at a later date, if needed. Use the button below to access the form. You can access in-progress forms by using the UTMB Webforms Login-In button. Please note: You may see a message stating "Access denied. Authentication required." Kindly ignore the message and log in anyway; it is a system error and is expected to be updated.

    Don't worry, you can come back to the proposal later if needed.

    Proposal Form

  • Schedule a Review Meeting
    After you submit your proposal, Student Life will review it and invite you in for a meeting. We really just want to ask you a few additional questions about your organization to see if it will be a good fit at UTMB. We can also help offer feedback and advice so that your organization will be an ultimate success. Please allow a week for processing time. If you have not heard back by then, feel free to email us.
  • Edit Your Proposal

    Need to access your saved proposal? Here's how!


  • Attend a Risk Management Training
    To ensure all officers are aware of the rules and procedures of running a student organization, and to meet the requirement by the state, officers are asked to attend the monthly Risk Management Training. Dates and sign up for the trainings can be found UTMB Student Organization UTMB Student Organization Resources
  • Approval or Denial
    After considering your proposal, Student Life will notify you via email of the approval or denial of your organization. We will generally get back to you within a week of your review session.

Submitting a Proposal

Doodle of a piece of paper and a pencil


Doodle of a lightbulb that is lit up


Doodle of a Mac computer desktop


New Student Organization Approval

Student Life will work with you to ensure that all components of the registration forms are complete and on file, including your constitution. Next Step: Risk Management Training!

If you apply during the summer/fall registration period, risk management trainings are held in July and August.

If you apply during the spring registration period, Student Life will work with you to schedule a training individually.

What exactly is the Risk Management Training?

  • Legally-required annual training
  • Reviews UT System Board of Regents' student organization rules and regulations
  • Covers UTMB student organization policies and procedures
  • Shares tips on how best to run your organization
  • Required attendance by at least 2 authorized officers


Office of Student Life

Office of Student Life Phone Directory
(409) 772-1996
Fax Number: (409) 747-2527

Physical Address:
Lee Hage Jamail Student Center, 2nd Floor
920 Strand Street | Galveston, TX 77555
Building #14 on campus map: Link to campus map

Mailing Address:
Office of Student Life
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
301 University Boulevard | Galveston, TX 77555-1316