Anyone involved in an activity which affects the operation of a building Fire Alarm System, Fire Suppression System, or a non-life safety Utility is responsible to obtain written permission from the appropriate University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) individual(s) prior to conducting such activities.
The Fire Alarm System, Fire Suppression System, Utility deactivation process is used to:
- Document and track all impairments of the Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Alarm Systems or Utility systems.
- Ensure notification of all planned impairments is provided to Environmental Health and Safety-Fire and Life Safety (EHS-F&LS) and/or Property Services in a timely manner to allow an investigation of the system to identify potential impacts, and to ensure Property Services personnel are available to assist with the deactivation, as needed.
- Ensure the deactivated system is restored to its normal operating condition when the deactivation is complete.
- Ensure EHS-F&LS conducts a risk assessment to determine if any Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM) or Fire Watch procedures are necessary during system deactivations or impairments.
Deactivation Requests-ATG System
Please go to to request deactivations for fire alarm systems, fire suppression systems and utility systems. To set up an account in the system, please follow the instructions in the document library on the Permitting Requests-ATG System page. Available below is the link for the Deactivation Policy/Procedure.