The first recorded examination of a patient using x-rays in Galveston was performed in 1897 by Professor Seth Mabry Morris, a chemistry teacher. The Radiology Department was created in 1916 by Dr E.V. Powell who began
as an instructor in the John Sealy Hospital. He also taught a course in the School of Medicine that consisted of lectures and demonstrations. There has been a continued radiology presence at University of Texas Medical Branch since that time. A fellowship
program in Radiology was established in 1930 and was supported by funds from the Sealy Smith Foundation. The Residency program was instituted in July 1945. By 1985, approximately 150 residents and fellows had completed their training in the department.
In the past twenty years, we have almost doubled the number of residents and fellows that have graduated from our training program. Since the 1990s, the Radiology department has undergone major growth in patient numbers as well as in physical space.
In 2010 the department opened two new outpatient imaging centers on the mainland, one in Pearland, and the other being a major multidisciplinary specialty care center at Victory Lakes. The department offers today, as it has throughout its long history,
state of the art technology and a dedication to patient care, education, and scientific investigation.