Radiology Resources for Clinicians

Seth M Morris_MDDr. Seth Morris, in the department of chemistry, made the first xray tube at UTMB in 1896 - one year after the invention of xrays by Wilhelm Roentgen. While you can no longer speak with Dr. Morris, follow this link to a contact listof phone numbers for our modern day radiologists who staff three (3) hospitals and numerous other imaging locations.

Q-genda is our scheduling software and, from this spreadsheet, you can see the radiology residents and faculty staffing the subsections such as interventional radiology and neuroradiology. Since the residents and faculty are on their digital PACS machines, the best way to start a conversation is to find the person on Skype LYNC and text them your phone number or your question. Radiologists are almost always in front of computer screens unless performing procedures. If you get no response from faculty, try the resident or fellow on the service. (Q-genda opens in a new window.)

If you need attention from me or one of the vice chairs, Dr. Glenn Garcia, or Dr. Angelica Robinson call us at our office (409) 747-0100 or send an email for less urgent needs. Thanks for trusting us with the imaging needs of your patients.

Eric M. Walser MD
John Sealy Professor and Chairman of Radiology
University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd
Galveston, Texas 77555-0709

utmb-DrSethMorris-1st xray-machine made at UTMB

The photo above is a replica of the first X-ray machine in Texas, made in 1896 by UTMB founding faculty member Dr. Seth Morris. Within months of its completion, Morris and a colleague X-rayed a nurse’s hand and produced the state’s first-ever medical image.


UTMB's Department of Radiology is accredited by the American College of Radiology in: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),
Computed Tomography (CT), Nuclear Medicine, and Ultrasound. It is also recognized as a Center of Excellence for Breast Imaging.