Dr. Walser actively conducts research and monitors his patients for years after the procedure. If you choose to work with Wavelength Medical, we will also monitor you so that the outcomes of your procedure can help improve the care for other men. Dr. Walser has documented his findings and submitted articles for peer-review journals outlining all these data. Those
articles will be made available soon. Since 2011, the Wavelength Medical team has performed over 300 procedures and we have been closely tracking the outcomes and recovery (at least 1-year post-treatment) for about 200 patients. The major side
effects and their risks are:
- Infection: 1-2%
- Erectile Dysfunction: <5%
- Urinary Incontinence: essentially 0%
- Recurrence: 10-15% of patients undergo a second FLA procedure 1-2 years after the initial procedure. Fewer than 5% of patients choose to return for a third ablation procedure
Notes: Similar rates of re-treatment are seen in prostatectomy (prostate surgery) patients. And we are actively working to decrease those rates of retreatment. Data reflects patients treated from 2011 through 2017.