Accessing Stored Records

If you need to retrieve files from a box in storage, a Records Circulation Request Form will need to be completed and submitted to Records Management. Be sure to check the From Storage box in Field 8. Reference the Box Code Number(s) on the previously submitted Transmittal of Records Form to identify the box(es) you would like to request. Enter the corresponding Box Code Number(s) in Field 9 on the Records Circulation Request Form. The Department Records Coordinator (DRC) will need to identify the individuals that will be allowed access to receive the box(es), and will sign the form showing approval of the request before submitting to Records Management.

Once the Records Circulation Request Form has been received, the box(es) will be pulled from storage and arrangements will be made with the Materials Management Delivery Group to deliver the box(es) to the identified staff in the department. Records Requests that are received by 10am will typically be delivered within 2-3 business days.

Boxes may be checked out for up to 30 days. If the box(es) need to be kept in the department longer than 30 days, contact Records Management for an extension.

To maintain file integrity, please keep the files in their original order and do not remove items permanently from any box.

When you are ready to return the box(es) to offsite storage, complete the Records Circulation Request Form identifying in Field 8 that you want to return the box(es) to To Storage.

All forms should be emailed to