List of Department Retention Schedules
Below is a list of the Records Retention Schedules for every UTMB Department. If you do not see your department listed, contact Records Management for help identifying which schedule to follow. Each department is assigned a unique department identifier called a Records Management Assigned Number (RMAN). These numbers are unique to Records Management, and are not associated with any other numbering assignments given by the University.
The state recently approved modifications to our University Retention Schedule. We are in the process of meeting with each department to make these changes. Thanks for your patience as we work to incorporate these updates.
RMAN Department Name
- 1001 Office of The President
- 1002 Development Office
- 1004 University Conferences And Events / Special Use Facilities
- 1008 HPLA / Government Relations
- 1010 HPLA / Health Outcomes
- 1013 John P. McGovern Academy Of Oslerian Medicine
- 1014 University Conferences And Events / Administration
- 1015 University Conferences And Events / University Events
- 1016 HPLA / Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
- 1017 1115 Waiver Operations
- 2001 Information Security
- 2004 Audit Services Consulting And Investigation
- 2005 Finance / Government Reimbursement
- 2009 OLRA / Office Of Technology Transfer
- 2012 Finance / Controller / Treasury
- 2013 Finance / Controller / Asset Management
- 2014 Finance / Controller / General Accounting
- 2016 BOF / Supply Chain / Accounts Payable
- 2017 Marketing And Communications
- 2018 Information Services
- 2019 HR / Employment
- 2020 HR / Workforce Technology and Analytics
- 2021 BOF / Supply Chain / Procurement
- 2022 OLRA / Office Of Legal And Regulatory Affairs
- 2023 BOF / Business Operations And Facilities
- 2024 BOF / Supply Chain / Supply Management
- 2025 BOF / Supply Chain / ADMC / Materials Management Hospital Operations
- 2026 BOF / Supply Chain / Mail Services
- 2031 BOF / EHS / Occupational Safety
- 2032 BOF / EHS / Biological Safety Program
- 2033 BOF / EHS / Radiation Safety
- 2034 BOF / EHS / Occupational Safety And Fire Prevention
- 2035 BOF / EHS / Environmental Protection Management
- 2036 Quality And Healthcare Safety / Risk Management
- 2037 HR / Employee Injury And Illness Management
- 2038 University Police
- 2040 Research Services And Office Of Sponsored Programs / Administration
- 2041 Research Services And Office Of Sponsored Programs / Committees
- 2042 ADMC / Wellness Center
- 2046 OLRA / Records Management Compliance
- 2049 BOF / Supply Chain / Administration
- 2055 BOF / Utilities Sustainability / Fleet Services
- 2056 BOF / Auxiliary Enterprises
- 2064 HR / Organizational And Work Force Development
- 2065 Finance / Payroll Services
- 2069 HR / Employee Leave Management
- 2070 AS / Office Of Institutional Effectiveness
- 2073 HPLA / Administration
- 2074 HR / Employee Relations And Corporate
- 2075 HPLA / Community Relations
- 2078 University Conferences And Events / Catering
- 2079 Finance / Budgeting and Analysis
- 2082 Finance / Reporting / Institutional Reporting
- 2083 Finance / Clinical Accounting
- 2085 HR / Business Operations
- 2086 HR / Compensation
- 2087 Office Of The Executive Vice President / Business And Finance
- 2088 BOF / Facilities Risk Management
- 3001 Health System Administration
- 3002 Credentialing Information Services / Medical Staff Services
- 3003 Finance / Capital Planning And Reporting
- 3005 Volunteer Services
- 3006 Pastoral Care
- 3007 Emergency Services Administration
- 3008 ADMC / Administration
- 3009 Revenue Cycle Operations
- 3010 Nursing Services / Adult Patient Care Services
- 3011 Nursing Services / Perioperative Nursing
- 3012 ADMC / Surgical Services
- 3013 ADMC / ER / Trauma
- 3017 Nursing Program Development
- 3019 Nursing Services / WIC / Administration
- 3028 Nursing Services / Critical Care / Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
- 3030 Nursing Services / Nursing Support
- 3034 Hospital Transportation Service
- 3035 Office Of Graduate Medical Education
- 3036 Health Information Management
- 3037 Quality And Healthcare Safety
- 3038 Care Management
- 3045 Nursing Services / Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Lab
- 3046 Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
- 3047 Pathology / Anatomic Pathology / Electron Microscopy
- 3048 Pathology / Laboratory Services
- 3049 Pathology / Laboratory Information Services
- 3050 Pathology / Laboratory Services / Specimen Management
- 3051 Pathology / Laboratory Services / Clinical Chemistry
- 3052 Pathology / Laboratory Medicine / Hematopathology
- 3053 Pathology / Clinical Services / Blood Bank
- 3057 ADMC / Laboratory
- 3059 Pathology / Laboratory Medicine / Tissue Antigen Laboratory
- 3060 Pathology / Anatomic Pathology / Autopsy Service
- 3061 Pathology / Laboratory Medicine / Clinical Microbiology
- 3062 Pathology / Anatomic Pathology / Surgical Pathology
- 3063 SOM / Institute for Translational Sciences
- 3064 Pathology / Anatomic Pathology / Cytopathology
- 3065 Neurodiagnostics
- 3071 HR / Employee Health Center
- 3072 Healthcare Epidemiology
- 3074 Pharmaceutical Services
- 3076 Radiation Oncology
- 3077 ADMC / Office of Epidemiology and Corporate Education
- 3079 Rehabilitation Services / Administration
- 3084 Laundry
- 3086 Patient Placement Center
- 3087 Chronic Home Dialysis and Acute Dialysis
- 3088 Southeast Texas Poison Center
- 3092 Patient Services
- 3093 Transplant Services
- 3095 Access Center
- 3105 OB/GYN / Gynecology
- 3107 Otolaryngology / Administration
- 3108 SOM / PMCH / Clinical Preventive Medicine
- 3109 Respiratory Care Services
- 3111 SOM / Sealy Center On Aging
- 3112 SOM / Willed Body Program
- 3113 ADMC / Cardiopulmonary / Respiratory
- 3133 Cancer Center / Administration
- 3134 OLRA / Office Of Institutional Compliance
- 3135 BOF / Supply Chain / Hospital Operations Materials Management
- 3136 PMCH / Aerospace Medicine Center
- 3137 Pathology / Molecular Diagnostics
- 3138 Nursing Services / Critical Care Management
- 3139 Ambulatory Operations
- 3142 SOM / Telemedicine / Clinical
- 3145 Vascular Laboratory
- 3150 Clinical Data Management
- 3151 CMC / Pharmacy
- 3152 CMC / Finance And Administration
- 3153 CMC / Utilization Review
- 3154 CMC / Human Resources
- 3155 CMC / Huntsville Medical Warehouse
- 3156 Nursing Services / WIC / Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- 3157 Nursing Services / WIC / Pediatric Med/Surg And PICU (J10AB)
- 3158 Nursing Services / WIC / Labor And Delivery (J3C,JSA3,J3A)
- 3159 Nursing Services / WIC / Mother - Baby Unit
- 3160 Nursing Services / WIC / Antepartum (6A/B)
- 3162 Ambulatory Operations / Victory Lakes / Clinics
- 3163 Ambulatory Operations / Victory Lakes / Ambulatory Surgery
- 3164 Ambulatory Operations / Victory Lakes / Ambulatory Training Development
- 3168 Multi-Share Plan
- 3169 Hospital Administration / Community Health Program
- 3170 ADMC / Labor & Delivery
- 4001 SHP / Office Of The Dean Of School Of Health Professions
- 4002 Office of Faculty Relations
- 4004 SHP / Office Of Academic And Student Affairs (ASA)
- 4005 Enrollment Services / Records And Registration
- 4006 Enrollment Services / Student Financials
- 4007 Enrollment Services / Admissions
- 4008 Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
- 4010 Enrollment Services / Financial Aid
- 4014 AS / Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- 4015 Office Of The Executive Vice President And Provost Dean / School Of Medicine
- 4016 AS / Student Affairs / School Of Medicine
- 4017 AS / MD/PHD Program / GSBMS
- 4018 AS / Global Health Education Program
- 4019 AS / Office Of Academic Affairs
- 4023 SOM / PMCH / Office Of Biostatistics
- 4024 Office Of Clinical Simulation
- 4025 AS / Office Of Educational Development
- 4026 SOM / Institute For Medical Humanities
- 4027 Institute For The Medical Humanities / Institutional Ethics Program
- 4028 SON / Office Of The Dean
- 4031 SON / Business Affairs Office
- 4032 SON / Grants Management / CNRE
- 4033 SON / MSN Program
- 4034 SON / DNP Program
- 4035 Neuroscience And Cell Biology / Graduate Programs
- 4036 Neuroscience And Cell Biology
- 4037 Animal Resources Center
- 4041 SOM / Dermatology
- 4043 SOM / Family Medicine / Galveston
- 4044 SHP / Physicians Assistant Studies
- 4045 SOM / Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
- 4046 SOM / Biochemistry And Molecular Biology / Graduate Education
- 4048 SOM / Internal Medicine / Gastroenterology And Hepatology
- 4049 SOM / Internal Medicine / Nephrology
- 4050 SOM / Internal Medicine / Rheumatology
- 4051 SOM / Internal Medicine / General Medicine
- 4056 SOM / Internal Medicine / Infectious Diseases
- 4057 SOM / Internal Medicine / Hematology - Oncology
- 4058 SOM / Internal Medicine / Housestaff
- 4059 SOM / Internal Medicine / Division Of Allergy And Immunology
- 4060 SOM / Internal Medicine / Cardiology Division
- 4062 SOM / Internal Medicine / Administration
- 4063 SOM / Internal Medicine / Endocrinology
- 4064 SOM / Internal Medicine / Geriatrics
- 4065 AS / Academic Resources / Administration
- 4068 SHP / Clinical Laboratory Sciences
- 4069 Microbiology / Administration
- 4071 SOM / Psychiatry / Administration
- 4072 SOM / Neurology
- 4073 OB/GYN / Revenue And Audit
- 4075 OB/GYN / Research
- 4076 OB/GYN / Administration
- 4077 OB/GYN / Residency Education
- 4089 OB/GYN / Maternal Fetal Medicine / Ultrasound
- 4091 Health Systems / Regional Maternal And Child Health Program
- 4093 SHP / Occupational Therapy
- 4094 SOM / Ophthalmology And Visual Sciences
- 4095 Center For Audiology And Speech Pathology
- 4099 SOM / Pathology
- 4102 SOM / Pediatric Administration
- 4103 Pediatric Immunology / Allergy
- 4106 Pediatric Vaccinology
- 4107 SOM / Pediatric Cardiology
- 4108 SOM / Pediatric Endocrinology
- 4110 SOM / Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
- 4111 SOM / Pediatric Nephrology
- 4113 SOM / Pediatric Neonatology
- 4114 SOM / Medical Genetics
- 4115 SOM / Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- 4116 SOM / Pediatrics / Division of Adolescent And Behavioral Health
- 4117 SOM / Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- 4118 Pediatrics / Clinical Experimental Immunology And Infectious Disease
- 4119 SOM / Pediatric Medical Education
- 4121 SOM / Pediatrics General
- 4122 SOM / Pharmacology And Toxicology
- 4123 SHP / Physical Therapy
- 4127 SON / Undergraduate Program Administration
- 4128 SON / Graduate Program Administration
- 4129 SON / BSN Program - Sr. Year & Jr. Year
- 4130 SON / SIM Lab
- 4131 SON / Office Of Admissions And Student Affairs
- 4132 SON / Community Engagement
- 4134 AS / Office Of Continuing Medical Education
- 4135 SOM / PMCH / Administration
- 4136 SOM / PMCH / Education
- 4146 SHP / Respiratory Care
- 4149 Radiology / Administration
- 4150 Student Life
- 4155 SOM / Orthopaedic Surgery And Rehabilitation
- 4162 SOM / Anesthesiology / Administration
- 4165 SOM / Pediatrics Early Childhood Intervention / LAUNCH
- 4166 Non-Invasive Cardiology Services
- 4167 Surgery / Administration
- 4168 ADMC / ICU & Medical Surgery
- 4171 SON / Office Of Education Technology
- 4173 SOM / Institute For Human Infections And Immunity
- 4174 John Sealy Memorial Endowment Fund For Biomedical Research
- 4177 Student Health and Counseling
- 4181 OB/GYN / Pediatrics And Adolescent Gynecology
- 4183 AS / Academic Resources / Biocommunication Services
- 4184 SOM / Center For Biomedical Engineering
- 4186 AS / Educational Outreach
- 4187 Office Of Clinical Education - Galveston & Regional Medical Education Austin Program
- 4188 SOM / Radiology / Administration
- 4189 AS / Instruction Management Office
- 4190 SOM / Sealy Center For Vaccine Development
- 4191 Associate Vice President For University Student Services
- 4194 SHP / Division Of Rehabilitation Sciences
- 4195 SOM / Cancer Center / Clinical
- 4196 Center For Addiction Research
- 4198 HPLA / Office of County Affairs
- 4199 Office of Regulated Non-Clinical Studies
- 4200 SOM / Sealy Center For Environmental Health And Medicine
- 4201 AS / Educational Affairs
- 4202 Interprofessional Education
- 4203 SOM / Internal Medicine / Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care And Sleep Medicine
- 4205 Primary Care Services
- 4206 AS / Academy Of Master Teachers