
Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists Banner

The Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists

Aug 29, 2022, 12:14 PM by Institute for Translational Sciences

The Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Sciences are pleased to announce that nominations will be accepted for the 2023 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists from September 28, 2022 to November 9, 2022.

Your institution is invited to nominate up to three outstanding young faculty-rank or equivalent level researchers, one in each of the three disciplinary categories: Chemistry, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Life Sciences.  Eligible nominees must be 42 years of age or younger (born in or after 1981), and hold a tenured or tenure-track position or equivalent at your institution. 

Now entering its tenth year, the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists recognize and celebrate America’s most innovative and promising faculty-rank scientists and engineers. Each year, one nominee in each category is awarded $250,000 in unrestricted funding and honored at the Blavatnik National Awards ceremony in New York City as a Blavatnik National Awards Laureate.

Please refer to the updated 2023 Blavatnik National Awards Nomination Guidelines for full details on candidate eligibility and selection criteria, and the Nomination Materials and Instructions page for nomination requirements and online submission instructions.  The nominations portal will be accessible through the Blavatnik Awards website during the nomination period, which will begin on September 28, 2022 and end on November 9, 2022. You will be notified by our team when the nominations portal is open.

We would also like to take this opportunity to collect contact information related to your institution’s award nominating team.  Below are the three main roles which the Blavatnik Awards Team uses to communicate with your institution.  Kindly complete this survey if your institution would like to update contacts for the roles described below.  You will have the opportunity to also provide contact information for any administrative assistants to the individual, if applicable.

  1. Institutional Leadership: Typically the institution’s President, Vice-Provost, Director, or equivalent, this individual receives official notifications about the Awards and is ultimately responsible for the institution’s nominations.
  2. Official Nominator: This is the person actually submitting nominations in the online nominations portal.  This can be the Institutional Leadership contact or their designee. The Official Nominator will receive follow-up communications and updates and be contacted for technical issues related to nominations.
  3. Institutional Contact: This is the individual who you would like potential nominees at your institution to contact for information about your institutional selection process.  This can be the same as one or both of your other contacts but often is the individual directly responsible for managing your internal nominee selection process.  This person’s name will be listed on our Invited Institutions webpage, unless you tell us that you would prefer to not identify this individual online.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. You may send inquiries to  or directly contact the Blavatnik Awards staff at (212) 298-8630 (M-F, 9 am – 5 pm ET). Additional information is also available on our website at:

Thank you for participating in the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists. We look forward to hearing about the most exciting and promising young faculty researchers from your institution. 

Best regards,

L. Amanda Sadacca, PhD
Director, Awards

New York Academy of Sciences