
Multi-institution Team Pilot Projects RFA

Feb 15, 2024, 09:34 AM by Susan Rojahn


Applications Due: February 26, 2024

Award Period: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025

The Institute for Translational Sciences (ITS) at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) has a total of $100,000 available to fund up to two inter-institutional pilot projects, ranging in size from $50,000-$100,000 each, that focus on developing technologies and therapeutics relevant to clinical or translational science ( These awards provide funding and expertise to help Multi-institutional Cross-disciplinary Translational Teams for Technology and Therapeutics (MCT4) advance the development of a product leading to improved patient care/community health. The UTMB ITS has recently partnered with Houston Methodist (HM), Texas Southern University (TSU), and the University of Houston Clear Lake (UHCL) adding complementary strengths in nutrition, maternal medicine, pharmacology, engineering and computer science, mathematical modeling, informatics, and other areas as well as expanded patient networks. We are currently focusing on developing teams with members from UTMB plus at least one previously mentioned partner institution. Collaboration at this level can have a significant impact, as it optimizes the use of resources and expertise across institutions. In addition to pilot funding, these teams can access ITS expertise and resources for building and sustaining effective collaborations.

Who should apply?

The PI of the MCT4 must be from UTMB and can be an investigator, employee, or staff member leading a team to advance the development of novel and innovative products with potential for commercialization and applications in patient care and healthcare delivery. Tangible products that can be rapidly applied will be prioritized, e.g., diagnostic screening techniques or therapeutic drugs/devices that offer near term solutions such as commercialization or product on the market in 2-4 years. High priority areas include innovative solutions that address health disparities and novel technologies or therapeutics that can be rapidly developed for urgent public health needs.

PIs can submit only one ITS pilot application for the current funding cycle. The team must include members from at least one other partner institution (HM, TSU, UHCL) and can also include members from industry or the community. Investigators should contact the ITS Innovation & Entrepreneurship Studio ( for help expanding collaborations and identifying resources for developing technologies. Previously funded MCT4 projects are not eligible.