The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston is a
full-service center providing tertiary care to the indigent population
of the State of Texas, the Texas Department of Corrections, and
patients in Galveston County as well as surrounding counties. The
medical center has 870 beds, a large ambulatory care unit, and a
full-service emergency room/trauma center. Postdoctoral training in
clinical chemistry will be entirely on campus at UTMB. The patient
population at UTMB is excellent with a full range of pediatric and adult
medical and surgical cases.
Postdoctoral fellows will train with pathology residents.
Responsibilities include seminars, selected medical lectures, journal
club, selected topics in laboratory management, night call and clinical
rounds. Management experience is incorporated into both years of
training. Fellows also present lectures in selected topics, participate
in the division's director On-Call Service, and are assigned specific
sections of the laboratory where they have technical responsibilities.
Special strengths of the UTMB program include scheduled didactic
lectures, ward rounds, and scheduled rotation through all areas of the
laboratory in the first six months, yearly in-service examinations,
and use of state-of-the-art instrumentation. The fellows are also
required to be involved in basic and applied research projects with
focus in the areas of intracellular ions homeostasis, molecular
toxicology, proteomics and pharmacogenomics.
- Anthony O. Okorodudu, PhD, DABCC, FACB (Toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring, intracellular cations, electrochemistry
- Michael Laposata, MD, PhD (Laboratory management, test utilization, (particularly as it relates to coagulation studies), identification of diagnostic errors and mechanisms to prevent them, and fatty acid biochemistry)
- Peter McCaffrey, MD (Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Informatics, Computational Biology)
- Jianli Dong, MD, PhD, (Molecular pathology)
- Stephen L. Cheney, MD, MHA (Blood Bank and Transfusion Medicine)
- Bradley Grant, MD, JD (Molecular Diagnostics & Pharmacogenomics)
- Natalie Williams-Bouyer, PhD (Clinical Microbiology)
- Fnu Aakash, MD (Hematopathology)
Prerequisite: PhD in natural sciences or MD,
adequate education in biological chemistry at the graduate school level.
If foreign degree, must pass advanced chemistry portion of the
Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
Stipend: Commensurate with candidate’s level of training.
Please send applications to:
Anthony O. Okorodudu, PhD, MBA, SC (ASCP), NRCC (TOXI), DABCC, FACB
Professor, Department of Pathology
Director, Clinical Chemistry Division
Director, Postdoctoral Training Program in Clinical Chemistry
Director, Client Services and Sample Management
University of
Texas Medical Branch
Room 7.214 CSW
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, TX 77555-0423
Office: (409) 772-9247
Fax: (409) 772-5014 or 9231