Alexandra Rebekah Rapp, MD
Assistant Professor

Clinical Pathology
Diagnostic Management Team Services
Department of Pathology

Office Phone:
(409) 747-0763

  • Research Interest: COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing, Optimization of Cancer Screening, Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorders, Seronegative Autoimmune Diseases.

  • 2008-2012 - University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, BS Neuroscience

    2012-2016 - University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, MD Medicine

    2016-2018 - Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, Internship/Residency Neurology (Completion of PGY-1 and PGY-2)

    2018-2021 - University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, Residency Clinical Pathology

  • Excellence in Innovations in the 2020-2021 - Pathology Residency Training Program University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, TX 2021

    Magna Cum Laude - University of Texas Medical Branch. Galveston, TX 2016

    AMWA’s Glasgow-Rubin Achievement Citation - University of Texas Medical Branch. Galveston, TX 2016

    John R. Calverley, MD Award for Excellence in Neurology - University of Texas Medical Branch. Galveston, TX 2016

    Oslerian Essay Award Winner – 2nd Place - University of Texas Medical Branch. Galveston, TX 2016

    Alpha Omega Alpha Selection and Membership - University of Texas Medical Branch. Galveston, TX 2015

    Summa Cum Laude - University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 2012

  • Texas Society of Pathologists, 2020-Present

    College of American Pathologists, 2019-Present

    American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 2019-Present

    American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2018-Present

    Alpha Omega Alpha, 2015-Present

    American Medical Association, 2012-Present

    1. Rapp AR, Ogunbileje JO, Djouodo-Nemzou D, Okorodudu AO. Methods matter - Tailoring SARS-CoV-2 antibody targets to vaccination status [published online ahead of print, 2021 Apr 17]. Clin Chim Acta. 2021;519:140-141. doi:10.1016/j.cca.2021.04.009.
    2. Rapp AR, Okorodudu AO, Nguyen DK, Patel JA. A True Negative HIV Antibody Result with an Initially Incorrect Interpretation – A Diagnostic Conundrum in HIV Screening. Clinical Chemistry, In press.
    3. McTaggart LS, Pfost SS, Williams TP, Ramdas D, Rapp A, Pillai AS, Thaker HM, Radhakrishnan RS. Tracheal and esophageal atresia with trachea-esophageal fistula – A rare co-occurrence with high mortality. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. 2021;65:101718. doi:10.1016/j.epsc.2020.101718.
    4. Rapp A, Huang G, Dong J. A “Not-So-Silent” Silent Carrier of Alpha-Thalassemia Presenting with Significant Microcytosis, Anemia, and Erythrocytosis: A Case Study and Literature Review. Int J Hematol Blood Res. 2020;1(1):16-20. doi:10.18689/ijhbr-1000104.
    5. Rapp A, Okorodudu A. (2020). What is in the cocaine? The vessels never lie – cocaine-induced vasculitis. In H. Ketha & U. Garg (Eds.), Toxicology Cases for the Clinical and Forensic Laboratory. (pp. 251-252). London: Academic Press.
    6. Rapp A, Okorodudu A. (2020). Cocaethylene – ethanol adding fuel to cocaine’s fire. In H. Ketha & U. Garg (Eds.), Toxicology Cases for the Clinical and Forensic Laboratory. (pp. 265-266). London: Academic Press.
    7. Rapp AR, Jacobi E, Jung MJ, Truong L, Ayala AG, Ro JY. Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia of the prostate: report of an unprecedented entity in prostate pathology. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2018;11(11):5486-5490.