Complex Care Banner

Children's Health Service Complex Care


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Your child has been referred to the Pediatric Complex Care Clinic at UTMB. We want to welcome you and introduce you to our clinic.

Why your child is coming to see us

At a recent doctor's visit, your child was found to have health conditions(s) that need extra testing or help. Your child's doctor or nurse has asked our clinic to help your family with those needs.

What our team does

Our team of doctors and therapists will assess your child’s growth and development. If needed, our clinic has a nurse practitioner, a nutritionist, a school teacher, and a social worker available to help families ensure children reach their maximum potential. 

During your visit, our team will form a plan with you and your child to address any problems identified, including a referral to outside therapy services if needed. We also may suggest your child be seen by other specialized doctors if needed.

What you should expect for your first visit

Please plan for the appointment to last about 2 hours or more depending on the reason for the visit. Your child will be evaluated by several different people during his or her first visit with us so we can get a complete picture of your child’s and your family’s needs. Although we try to make the appointments back-to-back families often have a short wait in between evaluations. All members of your child’s team discuss their findings after each evaluation and make changes to the plan to best suit your child and your family’s needs.

Depending on how many people need to see your child again, follow-up appointments may last from 1-2 hours.

What we need from you

  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to get all paperwork completed and your child checked in.
  • For each appointment, please bring a bag with all of your child’s medications in their correct bottles.
  • Please bring names and telephone numbers of all important medical people involved with your child. This includes your child’s pediatrician and any nursing or supply companies your family uses.
  • Please be sure to bring enough supplies to last the duration of the 2-hour appointment. This includes diapers and wipes, formula and/or snacks, and a few favorite toys to keep your child busy in between evaluations.
  • If you or your doctor has concerns about your child’s weight gain or eating, please bring his or her favorite bottle, sippy cup, spoon, food, and formula or milk.
    • Please resist giving food or drink to your child for 1-2 hours before your scheduled visit as we may need to observe this activity.
  • If your visit is for Seating Clinic to discuss wheelchair needs, please bring both your child and his or her device to all appointments.

B Gerik, Susan MD

Suzie Gerik MD
Professor, Director Complex Care

B Robinson, Sally MD

Sally Robinson MD
Clinical Professor

Z Honeywill-Gould, Amanda

Amanda "Mimi" Honeywill-Gould
Administrative Coordinator

Y Cano, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Cano
Administrative Sr. Secretary

FOR QUESTIONS or to schedule an appointment, Please CALL 409-772-2331