Title: Clinician III, Registered Nurse
Phone Office: : 409 772-3695 and 888) 886-2543
Appointments: : 409 772-3695 and 888) 886-2543
FAX: 409) 747-2213
Email: pediendo@utmb.edu
Mailing Address: 301 University Blvd, Galveston, TX 77555-0372
Stephanie Norris RN clinician III is a registered nurse in the division of Pediatric Endocrinology. A pediatric RN since 1995, Ms. Norris worked at St. Joseph's hospital in Illinois, as a pediatric public health nurse for the city of Columbus, OH. and for Galveston county health district. Ms. Norris received her nursing degree from Joliet Junior College and her bachelor's degree from Governors State University. Ms. Norris enjoys US history, Spanish and outdoor activities with family. Ms. Norris joined UTMB in 2010.