Medical Student Education

All UTMB medical students rotate through pediatrics. Many do extra pediatric training through acting internships, electives, and our community-based Ambulatory Community Pediatrics course. The goals for pediatric experiences in medical school are for every student to develop basic skills for the care of infants, children, and adolescents and for some students to establish a foundation to move into pediatric residency training.

Online Resources

Online Resources for Pediatric Students

Pediatric Clerkship (3rd year)

For Students 
Clerkship Blackboard Course (Listed under SOM Y3 Clerkship-Pediatrics) 
Clerkship Goals and Objectives
Epic Prescription Writing 
Primary Care Pediatrics Study Guide
Online Cases (Design a Case)

For Faculty 
Oral Case Presentation Rating Scale 
Clinical Reasoning Instrument
Clinical Reasoning Instrument - sample 
Clinical Reasoning Instrument - instructions 
Early Concern Note

Pediatric Ambulatory Selective (ACS)

This selective is an opportunity for the 4th-year medical student to learn about the profession and practice of Pediatrics in a community-based outpatient setting. The student will spend four weeks with a community-based pediatrician (generalist or specialist), joining in patient care and any daily activities of that provider. In addition, the student will learn about agencies serving the health of children and families. For more information, link here. 

Pediatric Electives/Acting Internships

Students have many choices for 4-week Pediatric electives and acting internships.

For the course catalog, link here.

Physician Healer Track (for any medical student)

The Physician Healer Track is designed to mentor students as they develop their professional identity as doctors and healers. The training focuses on self-awareness, self-reflection, interpersonal communication skills, self-care, and work-life balance. link here.

Online Resources

Online Resources for Pediatric Students



Gayani Silva, M.D.
Director of Undergraduate Education
Clerkship Director
Pedi ACS, Co-Director

Melissa Smith-Phillips, M.D.
Associate Clerkship Director
Pedi ACS, Co-Director

Danielle Kleppe, MD
Driscoll Children's Site Director

Tiffany Hill, MD
Tyler Site Director

Tiffany Swain
Clerkship Coordinator
Research Bldg 6, room 3.302
Phone: 409.772.5286