Here you will find the latest salary information available on the UTMB Graduate Medical Education (GME) Website.
Health Insurance
Medical, dental, and life insurance are provided to all residents, and families can be added at a nominal cost. Vision and accidental death and disability insurance may be also added at a nominal cost.
Retirement Program
All residents participate in the UT System’s Optional Retirement Program (ORP). Of the resident’s gross monthly salary, 6.65 percent is deducted for contribution to the ORP, and the
state of Texas matches 8.5 percent. Deposits may be withdrawn when the resident leaves the UT System.
Vacation and Paid Leave
Residents receive three weeks of vacation yearly (15 business days). In addition, schedules
are arranged to allow for five work-free days during the Christmas/New Year’s holidays. Paid sick leave and family leave are also available as appropriate.
Professional Liability Insurance
Malpractice insurance
is provided by UTMB. Coverage is limited to the residents’ activities as UTMB housestaff members.
Meals on Call
Meal cards are provided for residents on the night shift, and may be used at any of the in-house
meal facilities at UTMB, as well as the on-campus Starbucks.
Education Stipend
Pediatric residents receive an annual educational stipend of $1000 towards the purchase of textbooks, journal subscriptions, travel/accommodations to conferences, or other educational materials/equipment.
The department provides residents with one white coat with personalization upon arrival for intern orientation.
Library, Photocopying, Computers
A clinical librarian is available to assist with literature searches and obtain articles.
Residents have access to photocopying and fax machines located in the Pediatric Education offices. Computers are available in the pediatric library. The Moody Medical Library is a premiere library with access to digital databases and full-text articles. The clinical librarian is dedicated to the pediatric department in Tara Atkins,
Resident Lounge
Located within Research Building 6, the resident lounge provides computers, individual lockers, mailboxes, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a television, and a DVD/VHS for resident use. Additionally,
individual sleep rooms are available along with TV/DVD/VCR and exercise equipment on the 12th floor of John Sealy Hospital.
Breastfeeding Accommodations
Dedicated rooms for pumping are available in all practice locations. A dedicated milk storage refrigerator is located in the resident lounge.