The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) survey team visited the John Sealy School of Medicine (JSSOM) in January 2023. Upon completion of their visit they gave a preliminary report of findings that were then reviewed, revised and sent to JSSOM
leadership for response (
As of April 2023 it is anticipated the survey team report will be submitted to the LCME committee for review at the June 13-15th, 2023 meeting. The LCME meets three times a year to review survey team reports from schools under review and
determine final accreditation standing.
At this time the JSSOM is proceeding with our ongoing efforts to address improvements in the learning environment and professionalism, addressing clinical capacity and growth, entering into a full curricular revision, review, and monitoring, and growing
all aspects of the advising program.
Majka B. Woods, PhD
Vice Dean, Academic Affairs
John Sealy School of Medicine