Careers in Medicine


We strive to provide students with the necessary resources for success in medical education and career development. We support students in exploring specialty options, utilizing AAMC Careers in Medicine (CiM), and managing the residency or job search process.

ASCC provides individualized and group career development support to students. ASCC works in collaboration with the Faculty Advisory Program, which connects students with UTMB Faculty Advisors and supports students through the residency Match process.

The Career Counseling curriculum follows the AAMC CiM platform for career planning and can assist with the following in the career planning process:

  • Step 1 - Understand Yourself
    Before making a career decision, you need to understand how personal and environmental characteristics such as interests, values, personality, and skills will inform your choice and career satisfaction. Career Counseling can help you explore who you are and what you want for your life whether through individualized feedback on your CiM career assessments, an informational interview with your UTMB faculty advisor, or through engagement in an ASCC workshop.
  • Step 2 - Explore Your Options
    Now that you know more about yourself, you can start to explore specialty options, narrow your interests, and maximize your experiences while in school. Knowing your options will help you set goals for board preparation and schedule your clinical coursework. You can explore your options in a variety of ways - by attending interest group meetings, browsing CiM's specialty and subspecialty profiles, continuing to meet with your faculty advisor, and exploring ASCC Blackboard resources.
  • Step 3 - Choose Your Specialty

    With all the information you now have about yourself and your options, you'll be equipped to make your specialty choice with confidence. Now is a good time to talk to people established in your chosen field and those who have just been through the Match process. Build a connection with a discipline specific mentor. Your faculty advisor can help connect you with a discipline specific mentor. ASCC and your advisor/mentor can also help you determine your competitiveness for your specialty choice. Resources like FREIDA, NRMP and CiM can provide you with specific information about your choice.

  • Step 4 - Prepare for Residency
    You're almost ready to transition to life after medical school! Your faculty advisor and ASCC can help you review your application materials (e.g., personal statement, CV) and can conduct mock interviews. Your faculty advisor and discipline specific mentor can also help you create a backup plan as needed. CiM's Residency Preference Exercise can help you decide between programs.
  • Short Video
    • Apply Smart for Residency - Official AAMC Video
      This 90-second video from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) helps students understand how to be strategic with their approach to their residency application. Find out how you can be proactive in the process and “apply smart to residency.” 

Ready to get started?

Explore the Academic Support and Career Counseling Resources page on Blackboard, the Library Resource Guide, and/or schedule an appointment with ASCC via Bookings.