Academic Calendar
Student Mistreatment and Reporting Policy
Use this link to access information UTMB's Student Mistreatment Policy
and links for reporting any mistreatment.
UTMB Medical Student Credentialing and Immunization Records
community-based clinics and hospitals where you will be working may need you to be properly credentialed before they allow you access to their location. Please use this link to help us prepare the needed credentialing paperwork before you start working
in community based clinics and hospitals.
Student Created Sites
Every student has the opportunity to find their own ambulatory preceptor for the 3rd year PEDI and FM Clerkships. This link lists the rules you must follow when finding your own preceptor. It also has the forms needed to complete the process. Don't
start asking of a physician's teaching time until you have read the rules for 'student-created' ambulatory sites.
Areas of Scholarly Concentration
the different Areas of Scholarly Concentration offered to UTMB medical students. The purpose is to provide interested students opportunities to receive expanded learning experiences in non-specialty-based areas of emphasis while completing the 4-year
Integrated Medical Curriculum.
Process for Appeals
How to appeal exam scores, evaluations or course grades
My Star Instructions
Navigating MyStar (.ppt)
Supplemental Professional Liability Insurance (Malpractice)
Application for Supplemental Professional Liability Insurance (Malpractice)
Dual Degree Programs