Osler ClubJohn P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine

The Osler Club at UTMB serves as a forum
to study the life and teachings of Sir William Osler, the history of
medicine, and the medical humanities. Osler believed that physicians
should have a strong background in science, that physicians should
always do what is right and best for individual patients, and that
medical care should be delivered humanely. He was recognized as a very
astute and empathic physician, a highly effective yet understanding
teacher, a passionate bibliophile, and an outstanding humanist. He was a
prolific writer having published over 1,000 papers on a wide variety of
medical topics and nearly 250 manuscripts in the humanities. William
Osler was loved by nearly everyone who ever met him, and at the time of
his death in 1919, Osler was thought to be the best-known physician in
the English-speaking world.
The Osler Club convenes bimonthly, and attendance is open to all
members of the UTMB community. Presentations usually last 40 – 50 minutes
followed by 10 – 15 minutes of Q & A and discussion. Physicians in
attendance are usually eligible for CME credits.
Meetings are generally held at the Open Gates Conference Center, 2419 Sealy Avenue, Galveston,
The next Osler Club is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 6:00 pm at Eaton Hall (22nd Street & Winnie), Galveston, TX). A light buffet supper will be served. Admission is free and open to the public, but space is limited. Reservations are required.
For more information, contact the McGovern Academy at: mcacadem@utmb.edu or (409) 747-9680.