Visiting Osler ScholarsJohn P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine
Description of Grant
The McGovern Academy invites the UTMB community to propose an outstanding teacher to spend 1 to 5 days on campus as a VOS. The person selected would be expected to participate in the teaching activities of the institution within the thematic area of excellence in clinical teaching. Examples of activities include rounding with students and house staff, leading small group conferences with trainees and meeting with interested faculty. The schedule should also include an opportunity for the VOS to meet with the Osler Scholars for an informal discussion regarding teaching medicine and related disciplines. It is anticipated that the VOS would make a formal presentation(s) to which all UTMB faculty and students would be invited. Proposals that include participation by the VOS with another department or group focused on teaching would be welcome.
Criteria for the Visiting Osler Scholar

- The candidate must be a scholar and an active faculty or staff member at another academic center. He or she must be an accomplished professional and a recognized teacher of disciplines appropriate to medicine. The visitor's excellence as an educator should be documented in some manner such as the receipt of teaching awards or other prestigious accolades.
- The proposal should include the candidate's Curriculum Vitae (CV), rationale for inviting the individual, and the schedule of planned activities. The letter must identify a member of the faculty who will be the contact person with the McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine.
- Although the candidate's academic credentials must be submitted, the Academy is not seeking someone with the longest or most outstanding CV. Neither is the candidate expected to have highly specialized knowledge in medical esoterica or an established record as a researcher in medical education. Instead, the candidate should be recognized as a highly stimulating and skillful teacher. The candidate should be someone whose teaching is most effective when conducted in small groups.
Theme: excellence in clinical teaching
Financial Terms of the Grant
Funding for the VOS will be up to $10,000 commensurate with the cost of the program, duration of visit and reasonable honorarium up to $1,000 per day. Details of scheduling of events and activities will be coordinated in conjunction with the McGovern Academy staff but all matters regarding transportation, logistics and processing are to be managed by the nominator's home department.
Submission deadline: 5pm, January 24, 2025
Email your submissions to the McGovern Academy ( no later than 5pm on Friday, January 24, 2025.
Recent Recipients:
- Susan D. McCammon, MD, Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery and the Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). She is a former UTMB faculty member and an emeritus Osler Scholar.
- Charles S. Bryan, MD, Heyward Gibbs Distinguished Professor of Internal Medicine Emeritus, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
- James L. Lukefahr, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Director, Center for Miracles-Children's Hospital in San Antonio, TX